over it

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I finished my shift about 5 minutes ago and I'm waiting in the back of the restaurant for Siyoung to text me back when he's here.

Luckily Dean didn't have any opportunity to talk to me during the last minutes of my shift and I'd be happy to never have to listen to his voice again.

Suddenly my phone makes a ringing sound and I see a text that Siyoung is apparently waiting in front of the restaurant. Quickly I take my black bag that I always take with me to work and text him to come inside. While I'm walking to the front I'm visualizing Dean's face when he sees me with someone else, when I'm showing him that I'm over him and didn't care for him either. On the other hand I doubt that he's going to have any reaction and I also feel kind of bad for using Siyoung as my fake boyfriend, especially since we're still in the very early stages of becoming friends.

I'm nearing the entrance and already see my boyfriend standing there all alone, kind of awkwardly and looking a bit lost. However as soon as he sees me his face lights up and he takes a few steps in my direction.

"He-", my greeting gets cut off when I'm engulfed in a hug.

"Hey babe." Siyoung says right before giving me a soft kiss on the cheek.

I cringe a little on the inside at the word babe, but I'm even more startled about the kiss. Only managing a short glance in my real ex-boyfriend's direction I see him stare right back at me with emotionless eyes. I focus back on the man in front of me, who now realizes I lost the ability to speak at the moment. He bends down a little bit and moves to whisper in my ear, so I feel his hot breath against my skin.

"Come on, let's get out of here and get some icecream." I just nod and let him intertwine our hands and lead me outside.

Once the still relatively warm air hits my face I breathe out.

"What was that kiss for?"

Siyoung, still holding my hand, looks back at me with an offended face.

"What do you mean 'What was that kiss for?', I'm your boyfriend in case you forgot." He says in a serious tone like I just stepped on a puppy.

I look back at him, speechless and taken aback, trying hard to comprehend what happened in the last two minutes. Siyoung looks back at me and I see how hard he's trying to hold my gaze while staying serious but he fails and starts cracking up a few seconds later.

"Oh my god you should see your face right now hahaha, you look so cute when you're confused." He pinches my cheek with his free hand, because his other hand is still holding mine.

I can't seem to find a way to get any words out so I just start laughing and shaking my head at him. A few moments later he starts speaking again.

"I'm really excited for that ice-cream."

"Yeah me, too." I say quietly as I finally find my voice again. "Don't ever call me babe again, by the way."

He chuckles at my demand. "We'll see." He smiles at me, strolling forward on the sidewalk, not even thinking about letting my hand go and I'm okay with that.



ello! This is a rather short chapter but I hope you like it!!
And also I just saw that this story is apparently #1 in the khh category and when I saw it I thought it was a glitch or something lmao

I'm really surprised but thank you all for reading this story. I'm just writing for fun so it may not be the best story ever but I hope you enjoy reading it nevertheless!

((Also I don't remember if I said what season it currently is in the story, so I just decided it's currently summer))

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2019 ⏰

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