I hate that you're happy

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I booked a flight for Sunday and I'll arrive around 7 pm. I'm probably gonna take a taxi to your apartment.

Okay good! See you soon big bro

After texting back my brother, I put my phone in my pocket and go back inside the restaurant. It's Friday and my shift at the Fox Room, an expensive restaurant down the street where the playground Siyoung and I've been to is, ends in about 25 minutes and I just took a very small break to get a breath of fresh air here. Once back inside I hear people chattering and the sound of knives and forks against plates.

Matty, my waiter-friend who saved that situation yesterday with the stupid old man, sadly wasn't here today. He's actually one of the few reasons I still haven't quit this job because to be honest, even though I get paid a shit-ton of money, the other waiters and the customers are indescribably annoying most of the time.

Take Joohyuk for example, we actually went to high school together and I remember a time when he was a bully to a few people for like a year, so even though he's relatively nice now, I just want to wipe his smile of his face whenever I see him.

Another girl called Somin, who seems really sweet at first but is actually the devil in disguise, also works here. I don't really talk to her because she made it very clear that I'm not in a position to talk to her, for what reason I don't know. Probably because I don't have a rich daddy like she does.

The rest of the waiters and waitresses are okay-ish I guess but still not people I really want to be friends with if I'm being honest.

Fifteen minutes after my short break passed and I was just about to go back to the kitchen to bring back dirty dishes but the universe is obviously against me having a day without complications and I've clearly run out of luck some time ago. I almost drop the dirty plates and my mouth almost drops to the ground with them because I can't believe who just entered my stupid workplace.

That bastard Dean and his stupid little friends, and to my surprise, which to be honest isn't that much of a surprise if I think about it, a new face just went through the glass doors. The "new face" is an actually really beautiful girl, but it makes me cringe when I see Dean's hand entwined with her's.

I get out of my state of shock when I see him give her a small kiss on the lips, and I look away. They look kinda cute, not gonna lie but it angers me to know that he's been like that with me just a few weeks ago and how he could be just using her, too. He could throw her away just like me.

I look back at them. They look at each other so lovingly. He looks so happy and in love and I absolutely hate it. Maybe he really loves this girl. Maybe he's not faking it, like he did with me. Maybe he isn't planning on breaking her heart. Maybe he already completely forgot all about me already. Maybe I should move on.

"Haru!" Minho, one of the older waiters calls me, right when Dean looks up and right into my eyes. I hurriedly look to Minho next to me.
"What are you doing just standing around? Get back to work, you're almost done anyway", he tells me seriously. I absentmindly nod and start to go to the kitchen without stopping this time.

I look at my watch when I'm done putting the dishes back. Only twelve minutes left. Only twelve minutes until I can leave this stupid restaurant, until I don't have to see the guy who broke my heart and stepped on the pieces anymore.

I take a deep breath and go back into the big dining room to clean up a big table in the front where the customers left just now. And because I'm one lucky girl today, on the table next to it sits none other than the devil himself. I sigh just looking at what's in front of me before I stride to the dirty table.


I wish I was called by Minho again, or someone else, I'd even be happy if Somin would've called me but it was Dean's voice. I chose to ignore it and take another plate in my hand.

"Haru, it's impolite to ignore someone who's talking to you. Won't you look at me, I thought you loved me soooo much? Or was I just a toy for you, that's not nice of you Haru. You shouldn't play with someone's feelings like that, don't you agree?" I hear the malicious voice and a few snickers on my left again. I bite my tongue still not looking at them and take one last plate so I can finally go back to the kitchen for a few seconds.

With fast steps I'm back in the kitchen, safe from the looks of Dean or his friends and his goddam words. Who does he think he his?

I have nine minutes left in this hell-hole and I need a plan to stab back at him, I don't want to look weak in front of him. He should know that he's nothing but a piece of dirt and I don't need or want him. I'm not someone he can play his stupid games with anymore.

I quickly take out my phone again and with a racing mind on how to
make him realize he doesn't matter to me I text the only guy I can think of right now.


Hey are u busy rn??

No why

I need ur help
Do you wanna be an actor for like 2 mins and pretend to be my new bf in front of dean??
I'm at the Fox Room and he showed up


Ok what's in it for me

I'll buy you some icecream later!
Or I'll name another one of your untitled songs

Ok fine, I want melon ice cream
Three packs!!!

Anything for my boyfriend

Meet me at the Fox Room, but come inside ok
Thank u so much!!
And sorry for kinda using u now I promise I won't ask for something like that again

Anything for my girlfriend

4:44 AM | giriboy Where stories live. Discover now