sleeping beauty

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About five minutes after entering the building, we are standing in a studio. Completely fascinated I look at all the technical stuff, which I'm seeing for the first time in real life. It's not that I'm very interested in making music or anything but I also never thought I'd ever be in a real tone studio.

"Welcome to my second home."

I turn around and look at the happy guy.

"You own this studio?" I'm kind of shocked because I didn't expect him to be a professional musician.

"Well, not directly. My company pays the rent for it but no one except me really uses it. Some times a few colleagues come here too, but that doesn't happen often because we have a more studios at the main building of the company."
"Ahh so that's how it is. But why didn't you tell me that you make music?"
"I wanted to surprise you." He gives me a silly smirk and then goes to take a seat at the chair behind me.

"Uhm I know that I took you here, but I actually have work to do sooo I don't know. I was thinking that I could show you some of my songs? If you don't want to stay I can also call a taxi to bring you home of course! "
"No it's ok. I'd love to listen to your music." I answer while yawning.

"Oh my god I completely forgot that you told me earlier that you didn't sleep yet! You can sleep on the couch if you want to." He looks at me with an apologetic look on his face.
"It's ok I'll listen to your music, I don't think I can sleep now anyway." I place myself on the couch and watch Siyoung now working on the computer and then finally clicking on one of his mp3 files.

"Oh I really liked this, what's the title?" I ask him after the first song is over.
"To be honest I still didn't come up with a name for the song."
"Hmmm how 'bout 'morning sun' or something like that?"
"I kinda like that name. You should give titles to all my unnamed songs."

I just chuckle at his statement and put my head down on the sofa, my eyes watching the back of the working Siyoung. He played the next song and the next one and after a few more songs everything, every sound, started to fade out and darkness engulfed me. My body was finally too exhausted to stay awake.

4:44 AM | giriboy Where stories live. Discover now