morning sun

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Trying to catch my breath I stop in front of the shop and wait for the idiot to come out again.
I look up when I hear the door opening.

"I got the ice cream!" He smiled proudly while holding up the two orange packets.
"Next time something like this happens please don't just run away from me oh my god."
"So you're saying that you want to meet me again?" He smirks at me and I blush when I realize what I said.
"I didn't mean it like that!"
"Sure." He sarcastically says, shakes his head and then starts to go in the direction we went earlier.

I follow him and he gives me my ice cream.

We silently walk in the cold morning sun eating the ice cream that tastes like heaven on streets I've never seen before.

"Where are we going by the way? I've never been here before as far as I remember."
"We're going to a special place, but it's a secret. You'll see it when we're there."
"You're not going to murder me now?"

As an answer to my joking question he just gives me an are-you-serious-look.

"You don't have to work today right?"
"No, I don't. Why?"
"Just asking."

When I look at him I see that he's just enjoying the quiet morning.
The whole walk I just stare at him and get caught up in my thoughts.

Why am I even walking with him to an unknown place in an unknown area. If I think about it, he could just be acting nice. And if he didn't seem like such an adorable idiot I'd probably already slapped him, but I can't bring myself to think that he's just acting. He even let me cry in his embrace. He can't be acting. He's nice. I don't know how I should feel about him but I think I can trust him, can I?

The guy I was staring at the whole time suddenly stops walking and so do I.

"We're here."

I look up to the big building in front of us.

"Is this where you live?"
"Well about half of my time I do." I shoot him a confused glance.
"You have two homes?"
"I guess you could say that, yes. Come with me."

He starts walking to the entrance while I stand still not moving and inch.
Isn't it too early to visit his home? We only know each other for a few hours.

Before I can think about if I should go in or not, my feet already start moving, catching up with Siyoung.

4:44 AM | giriboy Where stories live. Discover now