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I ran back home and locked the door. Because I was just out on a run, it means I have to shower.

I groaned because I had just got a bath hours prior but decided that smelling nice is a better option than smelling disgusting.

I got in the shower and let the water soak into my hair before washing it.

After my shower I put on new pyjamas and got into bed. I soon fell asleep as I was tired from running.


In the morning I got up and washed my face then applied some concealer and the usual eye liner. After that I went and made breakfast for I.M and I.

I made bacon and eggs. I brought it up to I.M then woke him up.

"I.M~" I made it longer than it had to be but used a very sweet voice. "Mhm," He hummed in response. "I've made breakfast for you," I told him and he slowly sat up.

He smiled at me and it made my heart melt.

I really do like I.M. But I'm not sure if it's love.

Just a strong like.

I handed him his breakfast and he ate it while I got out his outfit for today and my outfit.

When he was done he thanked me then went and got a shower while I was cleaning the dishes.

When he was done I decided to get changed and do my hair. I was wearing blue jeans with a nice white, oversized like always, shirt.

After I was done getting changed I went downstairs and fed Tilly while I.M made one last business call.

Even though he works at the cafe, he still has another office job. He's the assistant manager as his dad owns the company but he will be the CEO when his dad thinks the time is right.

After a while of waiting around, we finally left to open the cafe.

We walked down the road, hand in hand. We finally got to the cafe and got everything set up and opened it for the public.


At around lunch time, there was a ring from the bell at the door and I.M got up to go and serve the person that just walked in.

After a while of hearing the people having a conversation, I decided to walk out.

I seen the 6 boys I never thought I'd ever see ever again in my life.

"Oh my god Ha Na!" Jungkook said and walked around to me and gave me a hug.

I hugged him back and smiled. "Jungkook! I haven't seen you in a while, how are you?" I asked him, "I'm fine, getting ready to propose to my girlfriend so I'm also not fine," He chuckled at the end and I just giggled.

"She'll say yes, don't worry Jungkook." I told him while rubbing his back and smiling.

I hugged everyone else, except for Jimin. I awkwardly smiled at him and stepped back to I.M's side.

I noticed someone was missing. Someone important to the group.

Well, they're all important to the group, but still!

"Where's Min Yoongi?" I asked them as I walked them over to a table they could all sit at together.

"Well, we don't talk to him anymore, only Hoseok does," Namjoon said, "What? Why?" I asked them and they all awkwardly fidgeted, "We'll tell you when the time is right," Hoseok said and I just nodded and smiled.

"I'll have your orders over in a few minutes," I slightly bowed at them and smiled then left.

'Well, that was weird. And awkward'

After a few minutes like I said, I brought them their orders and they paid me.

I went over and sat with I.M as we waited for more people to come into the shop. Jimin kept on peeking at me talking and laughing with I.M. Every time I would notice, I end up blushing.

They soon left after bidding us goodbye and we hugged before they left. As they were leaving, a girl walked in.

"I.M!" She said while walking towards him, "Minha!" He said while hugging her. His hands, dangerously close to her lower back area, if you know where I'm talking about,

"It's been so long!" She said while pulling back from the hug but still having her arms around his neck.

"I know, come, have a seat," I.M then brought her to a table before sitting down in front of her.

He came back and made her drink before going back over and sitting in front of her while laughing and talking.

I brushed it off because I thought they were just catching up, but that doesn't mean I wasn't jealous. This went on for atleast 45 minutes before Minha decided to get up and leave.

I stood with my arms crossed as I.M came over to me. He tried to hug me but I moved away and served the man who had just walked in. I made his drink then I.M came up to me again.

"What's wrong?" He asked me, "Nothing," I said coldly. "Is it because I was talking to Minha?" He asked, I could hear the smirk on his face as he spoke. "No," I said and went into the back of the shop to go on my lunch break.

I.M closed the shop once everyone left and came into the back to have his lunch aswell. "Are you jealous?" He asked me before taking a sip from his water.

"How many times do I have to tell you?! No!" I slightly shouted and he seemed taken back. "Okay okay, I was just wondering," He said while putting his hands up in defence.

I just sighed and put my lunch away. "Why aren't you eating?" He asked me, "I lost my appetite," I said and went back out and opened the shop.

A few more people came in but after another few hours, we decided to call it a day.

"Let's go I.M!" I shouted while walking toward the back of the shop.

He wasn't there.

But there were things leading out the back of the shop. And the back door was open,

'What has happened...'


What do you think has happened to I.M?

Thanks for reading!

Mr Bad Boy// Book 2// Jimin FFWhere stories live. Discover now