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I told Minha that I was just going for a walk, when in fact, I'm meeting with the boys to tell them about I.M suddenly apologising.

"So what you're saying is, after he abused her, he wants things to go back to normal?" Hoseok asked me, "Yes," I nodded and everyone scoffed.

"But, get this," I started and everyone leaned in a bit, "He's cheating on her with Minha," I whispered and everyone gasped. "Are you serious!" Jungkook stood up and clenched his fists.

Even though he has fallen in love with his partner he still, like all of us, has a soft spot for Ha Na.

"She can't get married to him," Yoongi said while leaning back, "I won't let it happen,"

"That's why I brought you all here," I started, "I have a plan,"


I was 7 episodes deep into Goblin when I realised I.M and I haven't eat anything all day, "I.M?" I called for him but got no answer, "I.M!?" I called a little louder again and got no response.

I went into the kitchen to see him, what looks like, texting someone. And he was enjoying the conversation. "Who are you talking to?" I asked while leaning on the door frame with my arms crossed.

He seemed surprised by me and quickly switched his phone off, "Are you not supposed to be working?" I asked him and he answered, "I was just taking a break,"

I shrugged and pushed myself up from off the door frame. "Let's go get food, I'm getting hungry," I told him and he switched off his laptop, "Let's go,"

We put our shoes on and headed out to find somewhere to eat.

"How about there," I pointed to a Korean BBQ restaurant and he nodded. We walked in and were immediately showed to a table. I bowed and thanked them.

"What would you like?" I.M asked me, "Set 3, 4 and 7?" I asked him and he shrugged then nodded, "Sure," He smiled and put the menu down. The menus were taken aswell as our orders.

After only a few minutes of waiting, we got our food and I.M cooked the meat. He put vegetables, rice and meat onto my little plate and I thanked him before waiting for him to give himself food, then eating.

We ate in silence, not because we were being awkward, because the food was so good I wanted to savour every fork full I put in my mouth.

We finished in less than an hour. We went to the till and thanked them, I.M paid and I made sure he gave them a tip for cleaning our table after us and for such fast service.

We walked back home and I.M asked if we had everything set for the wedding, "Invitations!" I realised and his eyes widened aswell, "Oh No! Quick, get a jacket, we need to go find a card shop or something," He told me while grabbing my jacket and his, "Here," He helped me put it on before grabbing my hand and running out of the house,

Not even saying good bye to Tilly.

I followed swiftly behind him and we finally made it to a shop that did wedding supplies. We entered the shop and the women asked if we needed help, "Do you have wedding invitation cards?" I asked she nodded,

"We also do personalised," She spoke while showing us to the where the cards were located. We spent a good 5 minutes looking at all the invitation cards and decided to just get personalised cards. It's only an extra 290,000 won, which isn't really that much.

We had picked a design for the outside and inside of the card. "What would you like wrote on the cards?" The women asked us and we told her the venue, date and our names with the person who is receiving the invites name.

I.M told all of his friends names and I was half way through about to say Jimin and the rest of the boys when I.M cut my sentence short. "That's it," He then gave the name of his parents and Ji Soo then we left.

It was dark by the time we left so it was a lot cooler, "Why can your friends come but mine can't?" I asked him and he just avoided the question, "Let's get home, it's freezing, you might catch a cold," I silently scoffed and rolled my eyes but decided to not fight and just head home.


There's only two chapters left of this book😢
I've decided to keep this one short and sweet because there was a lot more drama in this one than the first book,

Speaking of first book, IT NEARLY HAS 100K READS! HOLY SHITEU!

Thanks for reading!

Mr Bad Boy// Book 2// Jimin FFWhere stories live. Discover now