Chapter 7 - Things are getting good

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It’s been four weeks since Dad and Amanda told us about the baby.  Amanda is other person.  She is so happy and actually, she has been nice with me.  Well, Dad hasn’t left in any business trip, but we are spending more time together.

Today is Amanda’s appointment with the doctor and I am coming with her because dad has a very important meeting.  We left early and stopped for some breakfast because Amanda is craving for some pancakes that you could only find in a small restaurant near home.

-How are things with Jeremy? – She asked suddenly

I almost chocked with my pancakes.  Definitely that was an unexpected question.  I know she is treating me a little better, but that close?

-Things are great.   He is a good boy though – I answered after I finished coughing.

-That’s great.  You know something? I am really excited because today we’re going to find out the sex of the baby. – She told me with a big and excited smile.

-I hope it’s a girl.-

-Me too – She said with the biggest grin I ever seen in her face.

We finished breakfast and drive to the doctor’s office.  The secretary informed us that the doctor would be a little late, since he was attending a birth. Amanda looked at me and apologized for the waiting we’ll be facing. Ok, it’s for sure, this pregnancy is changing her.

After two hours waiting, and after reading almost every magazine in the office, the nurse called Amanda.  We made our way to a room were Amanda was told to change his clothes and wait in a bed.  She did like the nurse said while I was watching all the posters in the walls. 

The doctor came in the room.  He asked her some routine questions and proceeds to do the sonogram we were waiting for.  I was so excited and you could tell the same from Amanda’s face.

After a few moments, and watching insistently to the screen, the doctor smiled and said “It’s a girl.  Congratulations.”

I clapped my hands in excitement.  Yes, a little sister.  I looked at Amanda who was crying.  Did she really want a girl that bad?

The doctor finished and gave Amanda a new appointment in four weeks.  He also recommended calling him if anything wrong happens.

 We were walking to the car when she suddenly put her arm around my shoulder. I flinched at her touch, but kept walking.

-Do you mind if I make a stop in the mall to buy some things for the baby? – She asked me leaving me dumfounded.

-Yes, of course – I said smiling.

We got to the store; specifically on the pink area.  There were so many things and we were so excited, that we bought a little of everything in there.  Since Marcus is nine, there’s no baby stuff left in the house.

After almost an hour at the store, we went grocery shopping because Amanda wanted to give dad the surprise at dinner.  She hasn’t called him since we left the doctor’s office.

-You should call Jeremy and invite him for dinner tonight.-

-That would be great. – I told her still in shock and immediately got my phone out of my purse and called Jeremy

-Hey baby – he answered on the second ring

-Hi.  Do you have plans for tonight? – I asked him biting my nails

-No, why? –

-Amanda asked me if you could come home for dinner. Could you? –

-Amanda?  Well, of course.  Is there anything important tonight? –

-Yes, definitely.  We just found out the baby’s sex, and she is surprising dad tonight. –

-Count me in.  And…it’s a boy or a girl? –

-I can’t tell, not until tonight.  See you at 7? –

-Yes. Love you. –

-Love you too. –

Marcus was at a friend’s house, so we picked him up in our way home.  We started fixing dinner and got ready before dad came home.  I was helping Amanda finishing the little details when dad opened the door.

-How are my two favorite girls in the world? – He asked giving each one a kiss on the cheek.

I laughed because soon we’ll be three girls.  I am so happy that I almost say it aloud.

Someone knocked the door.  And I run to open it. There was Jeremy with two roses in his hands. 

-Hi, baby.  This is for you – He said giving me a peek on the lips and giving me the red rose.

-Hi Jeremy, and thanks.  Just a question, the other one is? –

-It’s for Amanda.  It’s just a little detail. –

-That’s so sweet of you – I said giving  him a kiss before anybody could see us.

What I could say about dinner?  Everything went really well.  We were spending time like a real family.  We laughed, we talked, we were so happy. 

-Who’s going to tell me what this surprise dinner is about? – Asked Dad giving Amanda a kiss on her cheek.

-Well, my love, today the doctor told us what the baby is going to be – The happiness was glowing of Amanda’s face.

-Can I tell him Amanda? – I asked really excited

-Of course, Gabriella –

-Dad….let’s just say that instead of two favorite girls for you, they’re going to be three. –

Dad’s eyes opened wide.  He almost jumped of the excitement. 

-No…another girl?  I wanted a boy. – whined Marcus

-Marcus, she’s going to be your little sister, be happy. – Dad told him.

Suddenly I felt Jeremy’s hand in my thigh and moving a little way up.  I took a hold of his hand and give him a stern look.  He smiled and left the hand in my thigh without moving it. 

I love him, I do.  I really like the moments we spend together, but in my short term plans aren’t going ALL that way with Jeremy.  Not now, I am only sixteen, and I plan to be with someone when I feel really prepared to do it.  Maybe he sensed what was on my mind because he moved his hand, taking mine in his and gave me a little squeeze and a kiss on the cheek.

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