Chapter 10 - Everything as it was Before, or...Even Worst?

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I was sitting on my bed, playing with the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.  She has my dad’s same eyes, and looked slightly like me.  She was full of life, her little hands, and her chubby toes making me smile every time I had her in my arms.

She was looking at me, smiling and holding her arms for a hug.  I just squeezed her in my arms and whispered ‘I love you’ sweetly on her ear.  The girl giggled and suddenly, the room was very bright.

My eyes were trying to adjust to the brightness.  The girl’s eyes kept opened all the time.  When my eyes were adapted, I saw my mom walking towards me.  I haven’t talked to her in a while; since everything changed for good at home.  My heart started to beat faster with every  step she took.

“Mom?” was all I my mouth managed to say.

“Sweetheart, I love you very much.” She said with that beautiful smile of hers in her face; a smile that could melt the coldest place on earth.

She put her arm on my shoulder and bent to kiss my cheek. I didn’t notice that I had tears on my eyes, but they made their way down my cheeks.  I was happy of having my mom in front of me after all this years.

With the same smile on her face, she took the little girl from my arms.  She kissed the little girl, and she was happy of being on my mom’s arms.

“Sophie, you don’t belong here.  You have to come with me.  Say goodbye to your beautiful and loving sister.”My mom told the baby. 

Sophie waved goodbye with her little hand, and my mom blew me a kiss.  They just disappeared together in a blink of my eyes.  I just stayed there watching to the spot they were a moments ago and started crying like crazy.

I woke up, my tears flowing like a river from my eyes.  Everything was a dream; the same dream I was having almost every night since the day Amanda lost the baby.  I just stayed there, wrapped in my bed sheets, sobbing until I found again my sleep.

Amanda losing the baby was a big pain for us. She was very depressed; and I was the one who had to paid all her pain and anger.  Everything with her was the living hell before she found out she was pregnant; or even worst.

Dad was very sad, it took a while for him to recover after the loss; but now he is back on his routine.  When he isn’t in the office, he is on business trip.  He is very supportive with Amanda, and they looked more in love now.

I was dealing with the thought of telling dad about the way Amanda treated me; but I couldn’t find how.  My need to tell him is so desperate, since now I have to do all the chores in the house; cleaning, laundry, cooking, dishes, the beds, and the floors….everything.  She did nothing when Dad isn’t at home. 

Marcus is still his little spoiled self.  I also have to do his homework and take him to practice or to his friends’ houses. He knows his way to act like a little ‘angel’ in front of Dad.  And I don’t know how, but his grades are great.

I am counting the days, the months, the years, to get out of this house.  My plans for college are still the same, becoming a business woman and work with dad.  But my first choice of college is one on the same state where my grandparents live.  I am definitely moving with them. 

The parties are over for me; only when Dad is here, and even then, Amanda finds her way to convince him to not letting me go.

“Are you going to the party tomorrow? “ Jeremy asked me while walking through the almost empty halls.  It was the last day of school and almost everyone ran out of it.

“I don’t think so.  Dad is not going to be at home.” I said with my eyes on the floor trying to hide the sadness of my face.

“Baby, you have to say something to your Dad.  How it is possible than Amanda doesn’t let you go, but your dad doesn’t have any problem with you going out?” He asked with anger on his voice.  Yes, he was starting to suspect something. 

Some days the marks on my face or arms were hard to hide with makeup.  I was making the same lame stories I tell dad, to Jeremy. But I think he isn’t swallowing them.

“I think I’ll have too.  But I don’t want him to argue with Amanda about me.  Not after all that she has been through, especially with the loss of the baby.” My eyes were filling with tears. 

“In what way I have, or anyone, have to tell you that it wasn’t your fault.” He told me putting his hands on my face and placing a gentle kiss on my lips.

“I know, but I still feel like I am the one to blame.”

“You are not.  You are the best person in the hold world. You even couldn’t hurt a fly.” He said with a little smile.

“Do you think I am that weak?” I asked trying to hide my laughter.

“I’m sure you couldn’t.”

I slapped his arm with all my strength.

“Ouch! What was that for?” He asked rubbing the place I just hit him.

“To show you I am strong.  Don’t mess with me.”

He started laughing and crushed me in a big hug, followed by a kiss that was a little bit longer than the one before.  I felt so happy in his arms; he is so sweet with me; although we don’t get to go out together so much.

“There you are!” Screamed Kelly; from the other side of the hallway.  She was walking toward us with Brianna by her side and Ryan grabbing her waist. 

I don’t like the way she is turning.  She kept changing from guys like changing underwear.  I love her but my words didn’t seem to get in her head.  She thinks that because she is popular, she has to do it. 

“Let’s get some ice cream. It’s our last day of school and next year, we will be seniors.” She said grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the school doors.

“That sounds great.” Jeremy said trying to catching our steps.

They make me so happy.  And I am going to miss them when I left for college; and this summer too.  I grabbed my phone and texted my dad telling him about going out with my friends.

He was okay with the idea, but asked me to not be late.  We were going out, because in a few days I was going to leave to my grandparent’s home for the whole summer.

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