Chapter 5 - Looking Back in Time

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 Here you will find the reason of Amanda hating so much Gaby.  Hope you like the chapter.  :D


 Amanda kept her word.  I didn’t go to Kelly’s on Friday, so that meant no party for me.  Jeremy was a little sad about it, but I just told him to go and have fun.  Kelly promised me she will keep an eye on him.  Yes, like she would go to.  I bet she was going to be with Eric, probably making out the whole time.

She is my best friend, but we are so different.  She just likes to play with boys, while I just stay dreaming of my prince charming.  I’m quiet; she is the life of the party.  She is popular; I am a bit of a nerd.  All the people who are my ‘friends’ are because they are Kelly’s friends and they just have to deal with me.

Saturday morning dad got home from his latest business trip.  I hope this time he will stay longer.  Amanda will be nice and I will get to go out with Jeremy.

At noon, Kelly called me and told me everything about the party.  He insisted that Jeremy behave, and that he even looked a little sad.  I was just crossing my fingers for Dad to be here for the next party. 

“I hope I can go to the next party.” I told Kelly without losing my faith.

“Yes, sweetie.  Jeremy wants to be with you in and out of school.”

Someone knocked at my door.  “It’s open.”  My dad opened the door and sat by my side on the bed.  “Kel, I have to go.  Talk to you later.”

Dad hugged me and kissed my forehead.  I was happy because I have the greatest dad in the world.  We have a great relationship, one that grows stronger with time. We tell the each other everything…..well, almost. 

“How was your week?  How’s Jeremy is behaving?” Dad asked.

“Everything was great.  Jeremy treats me like a queen.  They won the game yesterday.” I answered with a big smile on my face.

“You went to the game, right?”

My eyes went to my hands.  “No, I had a big headache yesterday.  And when I got home, I took some pills and just went to my room and slept until this morning.”

This was a lie.  I went home to Amanda yelling at me again. I had to clean up everything because Dad was coming home. And after that, I just put on my head phones, got in my bed, and thought about the game and the party I was missing.

“Dad….can I ask you something?” My voice sounded a little nervous.

“Sure Princess; anything.” He wrapped my hand in his.

“What happened with you and mom? Did Amanda break your relationship? ” By now I was looking in his eyes, waiting for his answer.  In my 16 years, we have never talked about their relationship.  And I was just wondering what happened between them and the reason for Amanda hating me so much.

He took a deep breath.  “When I was in high school, Amanda and I were the most popular couple.  Everyone was expecting us to get married.  When we graduated, we went to different colleges.  We were apart, so we decided to let life run its course.  If we were meant to each other, we would be together someday.

“On my freshman year at college, I met your mother.  Her best friend Thomas and I were roommates.  We used to go out together, Thomas, Rita, Lauren and I.  Lauren and I got very close.  I fell in love with her. 

“She was a very special woman, like you.  So pretty, full of life, smart, kind, anything a man could wish for.  I didn’t lose time, and asked her to be my girlfriend.

“One day, Amanda called me and got mad when I told her about Lauren.  I love Amanda; but your mother was beyond any love.  We had a huge fight and Amanda didn’t talk to me in a long time. 

“Three years later, your mother gave me the news she was pregnant.  I was very happy, although we were still in college, and neither of us had a job, or a place. I told her that I would drop it to find a job so we could be a real family.

“She didn’t want me to drop college and she knew my dream of having my own business.  We had a huge fight after that, and she left.  She was the one that left college and went back to her parents’ house. 

“I made many attempts to talk to her, but she rejected all my calls.  One day, she sends me a letter telling me you both were doing great, and that she’ll let me know when you were born. 

“I was so angry.  My heart belonged to her, and she just left me with a broken heart and robed me the right to be part of the pregnancy.  I wanted to support her.” My Dad’s eyes were filled with tears.  He ran one of his hands on his hair and inhaled deeply.

“I am sure she loved you.  She always talked to me about you as if you were some kind of hero.” I said while giving him a hug.

“Then I saw Amanda again in a mutual’s friend wedding.  It was almost a year after your mom left.  I knew you were born, but Lauren didn’t want any help from me and she said that she will call me to let me see you. I couldn’t handle it anymore.  And I didn’t know what to do. 

“Amanda and I worked things out.  I thought it would be good, because your mom didn’t want me back; well I got that conclusion about the way she was acting.  I started my business a few months later and a year later, Amanda and I had everything ready for our wedding.

“I never found the courage to tell her about you.  A month after we got married, I told her, and all hell broke loose.  She didn’t forgive me about hiding you from her.  But I explained to her everything and even that I hadn’t seen you since you were born.

“Amanda didn’t show any sign of wanting to help me to get to you.  To met you, to share my time with you.  She was always making me busy and manipulates all my time.

“When you were three, I had enough of your mother being stubborn and Amanda stealing all my time.  I called Lauren and threaten her to go to a lawyer because you were my daughter too and I have the right to see you; to share time with you.

“When you were four, was the first time I saw you.  Remember that day?” I just nodded.  My eyes were full of tears; everything was blurry around me by that moment.

“You gave me a puppy that day.  And I realized that day that I had a great dad.” We embraced in a really big hug; both of us crying. 

I knew at that moment, how much he loved my mom.  And he misses her too.  But he found Amanda again and he decided to be happy.  I don’t blame my mom for leaving him, but he had a right to be happy; right?

Maybe that’s why Amanda hates me so much.  Maybe she knows how much Dad loved Mom and that he sees her in me.  After all, everybody agree that I looked a lot like her.

And Amanda had to accept me.  A daughter of his, that she discovered a month later after her wedding. But, erase that, I am not the one to blame for all that.  It wasn’t my fault.  I was just a little girl.

Suddenly, a voice took us off of our thoughts.  “Andrew, we’re going to be late for lunch.  Marcus and I are waiting.” Amanda said.

“Yes, you’re right.  We’ll meet you in the living room in a moment.” My Dad answered.

“Don’t be late.” She said and left my room.

“The other part you already know it.  When you mom died on that accident, you came to live with me and Amanda.  And we tried to give you a home, a family…and I think we have made a great job, right?”

“Of course, Dad.  I am so happy; although I miss my mom so much.  I wish she was here with us.” That last part broke my heart and I started to cry again.

My Dad cleaned up my tears and hugged me.  “Let’s go Princess.  We’re going to be late, and we have a very important announcement for you and Marcus.”

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