The Hidden Gun

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His steps get angrier in a way as he gets closer down stairs. Dr. Lakemann says he has hid a gun somewhere for me in the wall. I take to his rules and open a few blocks to find a 12-shooter gun. A large revolver, basically. I stuff it down in my pocket and brace for Dr. Drake's return. I'm grasping the gun. I hear his footsteps getting closer and closer as he gets closer. He is at the door now and I let go of my gun but have my hand as to where I can get it if needed. He kicks the door shouting "YOU THINK THATS ACCEPTABLE, HUH??" I say "Uhh" "WELL ITS NOT". I can see him reaching for his gun and I go for mine. I grab mine and pull it out to shoot. I shoot through my cell. I had to crawl my way under my bed as far as possible. Dr. Drake shot and missed me but it hit my restraining devices on my leg. I still needed to get the other one. As Dr. Drake is shooting at me I shoot my restraint on my right leg. It flies off and I get up, fragile and thinner than I was before I got to this mess. Dr. Drake shoots the lock on the cell door and he casually strolls in. His gun still aimed at me and my gun aimed right at him. I bolt behind me to the hole in the wall Dr. Lakemann had put the gun in. I start throwing bricks off in a panic. In this process I guess I had knocked out Dr. Drake because his shooting stop momentarily. It was just long enough for me to get in the now larger hole. I weaved my way in and back out in an unfamiliar room with no one Inside. The room had one small door and one bed. That was all. Through the door I heard banging and kicking on doors, then mine. I didn't know what to do, I knew it was Dr. Drake. If I didnt find a. way out I would be in grave danger.

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