Trial and Error

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The door jiggled as he tried to budge it open. I hid underneath the bed and he budged the door open. I lied underneath the bed as he casually walked in. His steps creaked on the wooden floor. His walk was slow and calm. He walked around the bed to the other side, he walked around to turn on the lamp beside the bed. I put my hand over my mouth to muffle my loud breathing. His footsteps kept going all the way around to the other side. The floor stopped creaking and I took this as a sign that Dr. Drake had also stopped moving. He was at the foot of the bed now. My breathing intensified slightly. He must have heard me because he dragged me out from underneath the bed as I screamed "I HAVE A GUN" and "I WILL SHOOT"! He had an expressionless face as he handcuffed me and sent me back to my cell. I stopped a few times during the walk and he just pushed me on and on. I'd been messing with my handcuffs and they were starting to budge. Dr. Drake's eyes were not on my hands they were on the hall in front of us. I could see my cell coming up and I had to get out of the cuffs before I was thrown back in there. I couldn't go back in! I was too late though he took off the handcuffs as we entered the cell and then punched me twice, while saying "THIS ONE'S FOR ESCAPING"!! He punched again "AND THIS IS FOR THAT HEADLIGHT OF MINE"!!! What? I thought to myself.

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