The New Challenge

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I had to get out of the building. I didn't have a weapon to protect myself though. That was the new challenge. Escaping. I start walking toward the front. No sign of Dr. Drake at All, until I heard him coming down the stairs. I ran as softly as I could back to one of the rooms where a dead body was hanging. I his under the bed hoping the hiding spot was good enough. His footsteps slowly grew closer and closer. I heard the cock-back of a gun. I watched his feet stop at this cell. The door swings open and I hear a knife open. He cuts the rope of the dead body of Dr. G and it falls now facing me. I put two hands over my mouth as I watch his steps move to the back of the bed. The creaking floors get more worrysome as he gets closer. Then the creaking stops. I feel him grab my feet and he drags me from underneath the bed. He picks me up and I fight him. He elbows me and I'm knocked out cold.

I wake up gasping for air. I have a noose around my neck and I'm hanging just like all the other doctors. I gasp and gasp yet I can  feel myself dying. Why am I even trying anymore? I can hear him coming down the stairs. He nears the room "Expierments Over". He points the axe at me and says "Well little buddy its time to go".  I take my knife and cut the rope that's hanging me. I fall to the ground and stab Dr. Drake in the leg, after he'd tried to shoot me. I take his Axe and his gun. I put the gun in my pocket along with my knife. The axe is glued to my hands as I look for a way out. "Hey"! Shouts Dr. Drake. I stop and make my way over to him. I kick him, continuously, over and over. Am I killing him??

The O'Connor ExpiermentWhere stories live. Discover now