Chapter 12: Beach

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| At School
Jungkook and Nayeon were eating their lunch when suddenly a kid showed up.

Kid: "Hello"-waves-

Nayeon: "-dying cause of kid's cuteness- Hi, where's your mother and father?"

Kid: "My mom and dad is with my brother's teacher because my brother has caused some trouble"

Nayeon: "What's your name?"

Kid: "I'm Lee Ki-Bum"

Nayeon: "What a cute name, and what's your brother's name?"

Ki Bum: "My brother's name is Lee Taeyong, he caused some trouble over the weekend so my mom and dad came here to convince the teacher to not expel him"

Jungkook: "Lee Taeyong, that jerk"

Nayeon: "-elbows Jungkook- Lee Taeyong, I bet he's a nice brother"

Ki Bum: "He is, he's so generous and careful at the same time, he's like a manly man who'll protect his love even though he know he's in a dangerous situation"


Ki Bum: "YES MOM"-runs to his mom-

Jungkook couldn't believe what that kid, Lee Ki Bum, has said. Nayeon couldn't believe it too.

Jungkook: "Why would a jerk like Lee Taeyong be "generous and careful" when he was about to rape my girlfriend"

Nayeon: "Well, maybe he is"

Jungkook: "It mightn't be true you know"

Nayeon: "I know"

| While With Sana and V
Sana: "V"

V: "What"

Sana: "Wanna go to the beach?"

V: "Lemme ask Kookie"

Sana: "So that's a yes?"

V: "You know the answer"-calls Jungkook on his phone-"Kookie, wanna go to the beach?"

Jungkook: "-on his phone- Sure why not, but wait lemme ask Nayeon okay?"

V: "K"-hangs up-

Jungkook: "Nayeonie"

Nayeon: "What?"

Jungkook: "Wanna go have some fun in the beach?"

Nayeon: "Yeah sure since its almost summer anyway"

Jungkook: "Okay then, we're going tomorrow then"

Nayeon: "Sure then, I'll ask my dad to buy a cruise for us"

Jungkook: "Okay then"

Jungkook, V, Sana, and Nayeon planned to have a spring-summer vacation on the beach.

(a/n: Jimin and V: BIETCH)

Finally, it was the summer vacation and Sana, V, Jungkook, and Nayeon met up at a beach in Busan.

Sana and V: "-see Nayeon and Jungkook and waves to them- OVER HERE GUYS"

Nayeon and JungKook: "-run to V and Sana-"

V: "You're finally here, we've been waiting for you guys since an hour ago"

Jungkook: "Sorry we came late, we kinda have some yeah you know"

Sana: "-look at Nayeon and whispers- Why is your lip so swollen?"

Nayeon: "-realized that her lip is swollen and face get reddened- Oh it's nothing"

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