Chapter 1

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Hey guys i hope you like this and feedback comments and vote and such are greatly appriciated...oh and also if you see a pov that you want or a way you want the story to go you can comment and ill try it out! Its kinda short sorry but i want to see if you like it! (and its kinda not proofread)  

:) thanks!


"ANNABEL MARIE THOMPSON!! GET YOUR LAZY BUM OUT OF THAT BED AND GET DOWN HERE!!" my mother, Trisha yelled at me from the bottom of the stairs. Unwillingly I got up out of bed, and headed to my closet.

Ugh, school. Seven crappy hours of my life Monday to Friday. Thankfully the good Lord created Saturdays and Sundays and that is what my bestie, Emma, and I live for. Unfortunately today was the first day of school. This was the last year of high school and let me tell you, just about three malls could fit in there. Just as I was getting up and pulling my first day of school dress on.

My cell phone started blaring California gurls by Katy Parey. I ran to it knowing that it would be Emma, because that was our ring tone on each other's phones ever since the song came out.

I flipped it open knowing the bright, and energetic voice that was going to come out of the other end of the phine. "hey there Emma" was all I got before my way to bubbly friend started a constent stream of mindless babble, which she always does when she's nervous.

"Ohmysweetbabycheesestickscanyoubeliveititsourlastyearofhighschoolandimsoexcited!areyouexcited?" she said in all one breath. I wasn't impressed, she could spill a lot more on an even shorter breath. One time, she told me a story involving a chicken, baseball helmet, and a machete that would have taken three days for me to talk about, she told all in thirty seconds, "Emma, slow down and breath, okay? Im almost done getting ready ill meet you outside in ten, kay?"

I shut the phone, not being mean, but knowing that if I didn't then I would get a constent Em-babble. Emma has gotten used to us, me and our other friend Josh, shutting her up. Somehow she always finds a way around that and tells us even more annoying crap we wont need in twenty years. Oh well, she always cheers my day up no matter what her topic.  

She would probley catch me up to speed on all the eligible boys at our school, I sighed. It wasn't like I wasn't pretty enough with straight coppery hair, light green eyes , and enough curves to make Tyra Banks jealous. It was Emma who had the bubbly and outgoing personality and the athletic frame any girl would kill for. She also has mocha, exotic looking skin and soul-deep chocolate eyes.

Thinking of Emma made me hurry up and leave my house, wouldn't want to hear angry Em-babble, because that was even worse than the normal. Think about an angry cheetah who runs on caffine that gets cheated from eating his gazelle, yeah not a pretty picture. I rushed downstairs only to collide with the banister holding the stairs. Ouch, another thing to add to the list of the things Emma had and I didn't; coordination. Getting up and careful walking outside I saw Emma waiting impatiently outside, tapping her foot.

I smiled a small smile at her and locked the door behind me before I turned and skipped to her putting my arm through hers. "Hello little ray of sunshine on a cloudy day how are you?" I asked Emma knowing this would take a while I started walking with her to school, gosh I cant wait till one of us gets a car.

"Anna you would not bealive what I heard from Josh, its will make you swoon on the spot." I rolled my eyes Josh, our other friend we have known forever and who had come out about two years ago.

It was always nice to have a guy friend that you wouldn't have to worry about making a move on you or checking you out. Unfortunately he was also the gossip queen of the school so you couldn't trust his stories either. As we walked up the door to Riverside High School who else but Josh comes up and takes my other elbow. Walking through the door we navagated down the halls and stopped at the correct door on our scheduale.

" We were just talking about you sweet cheeks" Emma said to Josh.

"Oohh where you talking about the juicy bit of Y chromosomes were getting today? "He questioned us.

"Emma was just getting to that part" i said as we all sat down in our homeroom which, thankfully we all shared.

Before Emma or Josh could continue and tell me about this yummy tidbit ; Sasha and her Ms. i-own-the-school-and-im-better-than-you attitude, not to mention her "posse" walked into OUR homeroom and sat down.

Ohh no, this is NOT happening!! The three of us and Sasha go way back (and I mean ever since we were taking naps back) and she has hated our guts ever since. She jumps at any chance she gets to humiliate and hurt us, although why I have no idea. You can imagine what fun she had when Josh offically came out of the closet and claimmed his gayness, it was a nightmare.

So you can imagine when she saw the three of us with our mouths open and probably collecting fies, she flipped her hair, smirked, and sat down. Immediatly whispering something to one of her clones, who started giggleing uncontrollably.

This is not going to be a fun year.

But just as i was thinking that, the hottest guy I have ever seen (i have seen a lot of cute guys, i mean come on i live in California for crying out loud) walked in and started talking to the teacher.

"Dibs" Josh said lightly.

"No way, i saw him first he's mine, besides he doesn't play for your team, Cupcake" Emma immediately started babbling. I didn't have time to put in my two cents because by the time my two friends stopped bickering he had turned around. I got a clear view of his face, and more importantly his eyes. The smile he was wearing slipped off his face as he whispered.


That's the last sound I heard before my heart exploded in pain, as I slipped into a darkness I've never known.

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