The Goldz and Friends

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A/N: All the Twice members and friends are 19y/o in this story.

Mina POV
I got up early in the morning to go for a run since it was already summer. Putting on my sports bra and sweatpant, washed my face to wake me up and I put my hair into a ponytail, plugging my earphone into my ear and walked out the room.

"Oh my scared me" I jumped as I saw mom was passing by

"Working out?" she was stating the obvious

"Yes omma" I said

"Your sister still sleeping?" mom asked. I shrugged and gestured her to look inside the room next to mine.

"Your appa will go for a run too. Go run with him since it's been a long time since you spend time with him" mom said and yeah she was right. I nodded and walked downstairs to find my dad

"Peekaboo!" I scared him as I saw him tieing his shoes, he jumped a little

"You scared me!"

"Omma scared me earlier" I said as I sat beside my dad waiting for him to tie his other shoe

"You're Mina or Miko?" I rolled my eyes upon hearing that. To tell you, I have an identical twin and she's my older sister, her name is Miko. Apparently only our mom knows how to diffentiate me and her. I mean mom would knows straight away even before we're talking. While, our dad..hmm only sometimes he got it correct in diffentiating both of us and that's frustrating. Me and Miko unnie have the same physique, face and similar voice. But there are other things that could tell us apart too for examples like I've a mole on my neck, I'm short-tempered compared to Miko and I usually hang out with my girls.

Well perhaps you could say that Miko and I are the complete opposite in terms of personality. Other than that, Miko goes to medical high school, while, I go to art high school. Hmm compared to me, she's kind and smarter than me. And oh yeah, at home I don't call Miko 'unnie', we call each other by names. I only call her unnie when we're meeting our relatives.

"I'm Mina, appa" I rolled my eyes at him

"Arasso Mina-ya. So you want to run too?" he asked looking at me in my sports attire

"Yeah let's go" I said and we stood up at the same time

"5K?" dad suggested

"Are you serious appa? I'm okay but how about you?" I asked

"Yes, of 5K for today!" he said

"Call" I said and dad started to run. I quickly ran with him side by side. It has been a long time since we both spend time together. He's busy with his work and I'm busy with my school.

As we ran about 3.5km, I found that my dad was already panting. I looked at him, laughing.

"Appa, are you tired already? you're already an old man" I said

"What? Old man?" he turned to me disbelief. He gave me a playful headlock.

"You heard it appa" I chuckled. He let me go.

"I'm not old yet Mina-ya" we both laughed. We continued to run.

"Want some coffee?" my dad asked as he pointed at the coffee shop

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