Chapter 4

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They complete dinner, not talking about anything of any real importance. The conversation continues for a short time, but then Zachariah decides that it’s time to return to his battalion.

“Mary, dinner was perfect. It’s been so long since I had a good home cooked meal like that.”

“Thank you, Zachariah. I’ll be sure to extend your thanks to our cook. She really is a fantastic cook. Well, I’m going to see if they need anything before I take my leave. Good night Zachariah, be safe.”

“Good night,” he replies. He waits for Mary to leave then he turns his attention to Grace. She looks up at him and smiles. “Well, you told me that if we ever met in another place that you would tell me something about yourself.”

She looks surprised, “What would you like to know?”

“Your story of course. I want to know what makes a beautiful woman dress like a man in order to join the army.”

“I’ve seen a lot of injustice in my life. I’ve been part of having injustice thrust upon me. Some people become lawyers and try to change the laws, some people fight, and some people sit back and allow others to fight for them. I guess I’m just someone who wants to fight for myself, you know?”

He nods, “Well Grace, it was wonderful to make your acquaintance. I look forward to our correspondence.”

“As do I,” she smiles.

He takes her hand in his and kisses it. He bows to her, “Until we meet again, Grace.” He releases her hand and walks from the house. When the door closes behind him, Mary comes out from hiding.

“He’s going to write you?” she asks with an air of excitement.

“I guess, he asked if he could write me and I agreed.”

“Grace that’s magnificent. But I thought…” she trails off not wanting to bring up the atrocities of her childhood.

“I know Mary, but for some reason I feel comfortable around him. Like I could trust him. He’s not my father, and he’s not Frank. I don’t get the feeling that he would hit me or force me into anything. Besides its just letters, it doesn’t mean anything.”

Mary smiles and nods, but she knows that there could be something there, if not for this damned war.


The next morning Grace dresses in her worn and tattered uniform, careful to adjust it so it is hides any signs of the woman hidden beneath the fabric. She pulls her hair up into her hat and smudges her face with some dirt from a potted plant to try to hide some of her femininity.

Mary joins her in the dining room, prepared to bid her cousin farewell yet again. She spent the night writing an emotion filled letter to her beloved Ezekiel. She seals the envelope and passes it to Grace upon entering the dining room.

“So I guess this is it for a while?” Mary asks sadly. “I really miss having you around. When you were here, you made Ezekiel’s leaving so much easier.”

“I’m sorry cousin, but I have to do this, now more than ever.”

“Why now more than ever? I would have thought that since you actually wanted Zachariah to write you that you might decide to hang up that old uniform and return home.”

“I can’t, not yet. I have to be part of this, of what’s going on out there. It’s important, so much more important than my love life.”

Mary nods her understanding.

“I’ll try to visit again soon.” Grace pulls Mary into a hug and immediately turns and quickly exits the house.

Outside she finds a stableman holding Abraxas. The steed looks as anxious as she feels, like the confinement of real life is too much and the only place that they can be happy is galloping at top speed through the forests of Virginia.

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