Chapter 8

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As the band of two hundred thousand Confederate soldiers marches north through the western Virginia country side, it becomes clear that a battle is inevitable. Isaiah sent out a couple scouts to locate the Union troops and report back. He is not surprised to hear that they are current marching northwest from Gainesville headed toward Winchester. Here is where they will encounter their enemy, he’s sure of it.

He hurriedly walks through the camp toward General Ewell’s tent where he will report what his scouts have seen.

“Sir, Yankee troops are moving toward us, we will most certainly meet them before we arrive in Pennsylvania,” Isaiah tells him.

“How many?” Ewell asks.

“Approximately a hundred thousand, sir.”

Ewell smirks, “Good, good. Anything else?”

“It looks like they’re headed toward Winchester.”

“Then that’s where we’ll intercept them and crush them,” Ewell smiles. “Thank you Captain. Now I want you to take your forces and ride ahead to Winchester and wait for our arrival.”

Isaiah solutes, “Yes sir.”

He’s happy about this order. This means that he can be at the front of the battle when the Yanks arrive in Winchester. The only thing he hopes is that he won’t have to be the one to kill Ezekiel. Although they are on different sides and they will never again really be brothers, he still doesn’t want to be the one to spill his own brother’s blood.

That evening Isaiah and his band of misfit soldiers ride out of the camp toward Winchester. They use the countryside’s natural terrain to shield themselves from the prying eyes of the Yanks.

______________________________________________________________________The Union soldiers march northwest and stop just outside Winchester Virginia. When the colonels meet once more, it’s decided that Ezekiel’s cavalry will take up the back while Zachariah’s light artillery unit would be in the forefront of the battle.

The units line up with small artillery in the front, heavy artillery next, and then the cavalry in the back. Their plan it to split the cavalry in half and cut the Rebels off on both sides and in effect boxing them and forcing them back toward the southwest.

As night settled on June 12th, 1863 Zachariah made his way to Ezekiel’s tent to discuss the impending attack and what was going to happen with Grace.

“What’s going to happen with Grace?” Zachariah asks.

“What do you mean? She promised to stay back but I can’t force her to. If I treat her differently, someone is going to figure it out,” Ezekiel snaps at Zachariah.

“She needs to be held back, Ezekiel. We can’t let her into this fight, I could… I mean we could lose her,” Zachariah says in frustration.

“Look, I know you think you have some kind of feelings for her, but you don’t know her. She’s stubborn and proud, a very volatile combination.”

“I know that,” Zachariah says almost ashamed of his feelings. But then he becomes more frustrated and glares at Ezekiel, “It’s almost as though you don’t want to keep her safe? Maybe I should have her moved to my unit.”

“Oh right, put her at the front where she’s sure to be killed.”

“Well damn-it maybe I can actually protect her there.”

“Zachariah, I’ll talk to her. I’ll try to convince her. I’ll remind her that she promised to stay back and I’ll threaten to make her be a nurse or send her back home.”

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