How Ink got his soul.

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"It all started when I had saw Sciencetale. Science Sans was busy trying to make a  human soul, when he actually succeeded, but actually made a monster soul. I was looking into his AU, when his machine exploded. I jumped in, and I grabbed Science Sans who was passed out, clutching the capsule holding the monster soul. I kept him at my doodle sphere, until he woke up. It had been a couple of hours, when Science Sans woke.

'Wha-?' He started, but I interrupted.

'Don't worry, you're with me. Your machine exploded, but you did manage to save the soul.' Science Sans look surprised.

'Where is it?' He asked, looking around.

'It's right here.' I pulled out the capsule with the monster soul.

'Oh thank-Wait... It's not a human soul?' Science Sans cringed.

'Yeah. It came out like this, and, I was wondering...' I trailed off.

'Wondering what?' He asked.

'Wondering... If I could have the monster soul, so I, could finally have feelings again without taking these vials.' I took a green vial that I had strapped around my torso.

'Oh, of course! But, is it possible to absorb a monster-made-soul?' I shrugged.

'Maybe. We could try!' I exclaimed enthusiastically.

'Okay, if you're up for it, I'll do it.' Science Sans was looking unsure. I shrugged it off, then I bounded towards Sciencetale. I opened up the portal, and I jumped in. I had appeared in Science Sans's lab, but it was in rubble. Science Sans appeared next to me.

'Oh.... I didn't think that explosion would make this big of an explosion. heheh...' Science Sans looked nevous. 'What would I tell-'

'Sans?! What happened here?!' I saw Gaster.

'Oh, uh, I made a machine, and I was trying to make a soul, but it exploded.' He was sweating nervously, and he left out the monster soul.

'Hm... Okay. But who's this?' Gaster pointed to me.

'I'm Ink!' I did a little wave to Gaster.

'Okay. Sans, make sure he doesn't go into the west wing. He's just a patient.' He then went off.

'Phew! I'm glad he went away, he was making me nervous!' Science Sans breathed out.

'I could tell. Now, are you going to set up the machine?' Science Sans blinked.

'Oh yeah! Let me get that started!' Science Sans went off and built the machine. In less than two hours, Science Sans was finished. 'Here it is! The S.I.M! A.K.A. The Soul Inserter Machine!'

'Set me up!' I walked into one of the tubes.

'Wait!' Science Sans grabbed my shoulder.

'What is it?'

'You may never come back! This is my first time testing this! Are you sure you want to try this?' Science Sans looked concerned.

'Yes! I would rather have a soul, then no soul!' I pulled out of his grasp and stood in one of the tubes. I handed Science Sans the capsule of the monster soul.

'Here it goes...' He mumbled, then he set it in the separate tube. Science Sans went to the control panel, and pushed some buttons. At one point, it made me dizzy, and sore, and I had heartburn. I wasn't used to this pain, so I moaned. Science Sans had a concerned look on his face. He pushed more and more buttons, but in a certain order. I felt something appear in front of me, but everything looked fuzzy. I then felt something satisfying go into my chest, where my heart should be, and then I passed out.'"

"So, you essentially owe Science Sans?" Mommy asked.

"Uh, you could say that." Daddy scratched the back of his neck.

"Daddy, why was it satisfying?" To get a soul, wouldn't it be ALL feelings at once?

"Uhm..." Daddy blushed his rainbow. He reminds me of the candy called skittles that my mom gave me once. "Because, it was, like you found your long lost thing that you didn't even know was so important to you, until you touch it." I saw daddy self-consciously touch mommy's hand. Little things like these make me happy, that they are still together, and also remind me of Cheshire's parents. They, are just SO adorable together.

"Hey Daddy?" I cocked my head at him. 

"Yes Pastel?" He grinned as his left eye turns into a four pointed star.

"What is Error's past?" Daddy blinked and his eyes turned red.

"Why would you want to know?" Daddy's mood changed. I better not press on.

"Nevermind. I guess that's another story for another time. G'night!" I closed my eyes and shuffled on my pillow. I heard mommy say: "Silly goose." and then she kissed me on the forehead. Daddy did too.

"Good night.." Daddy mumbled, and then closed the door to my room. I opened my eyes to darkness, and I shuffled out of bed. 

I wasn't going to sleep! I was going to stay up for Cheshire to come over to my room. I then heard very light footsteps, and then a slight creak of the door, opening and closing.

"Hey Pastel." Cheshire whispered. I looked up to her and acknowledged that I heard, then I waved.

I then shifted my position in my bed from one of laying down to one of sitting up. Cheshire sat up with me.

"So." Cheshire started.

"Do you know Error's past?" I cocked my head.

"No. I never asked." Cheshire shrugged.

"Well, I just learned how Daddy got his soul." Immediately Cheshire was in my face.

"How did he get his soul?!" I could tell that Cheshire was excited.

"Science Sans was trying to create a human soul, but instead created a monster soul. The machine that created it exploded and Daddy rescued him, and Science Sans gave him the soul with a Soul Inserter Machine, and then Daddy fainted. That's what he told me."  Cheshire backed away from my face. 

"That's interesting." Cheshire's face didn't look interested, but she actually was. Her expressions were alot like her fathers'; a plain smile, nothing really much.

"So." I had no idea what to talk about. So I leaned up against the wall, and yawned.

"Tired?" Cheshire grinned.

"Yeah... I guess." I moved my pillow to the wall, so my head didn't have to be against the hard wall when I sat up. "G'night."

"G'night." Cheshire whispered, then slinked off into her room, the only sound she made was the creak of the door. I laid back down on my bed, and started to drift off to dreamland....

Except at the time,

something unfriendly was watching my best friend...

The next generation. (Sequel of Ink x Reader and Error x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now