You forgot... After all this time...

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Y/N's POV:

Ink and Pastel were in Underswap for a long time...

I hope that it went alright.

"Y/N I'm home!" Ink called, and I saw him with Pastel.

"How did it go?" I eagerly asked.

"Oh it was..." Pastel trailed off as she tried to think. "It was good, yet, bad at the same time."

"Did Blueberry break up with you?!" I questioned with lots of enthusiasm, and Pastel of course noticed.

"Did you just have your coffee now? Cause you're really hyper.. But NO! We didn't break up. I just... fainted.... because of NTB. He was going too fast." She summarized and assured me, which made me smile.

"Great. Because I didn't want you to get hurt..." I hugged Pastel, and I welcomed Ink, who was standing by the side, smiling.

We all had a group hug, and I smiled at that, even after it broke.

"Now Pastel you can run along now." I waved her off, and she went upstairs to her room.

Meanwhile, Ink and I, starred into each others' eyes lovingly. We slowly leaned in, and tried to kiss, but then Error came in.

"Hey I-Er am I interrupting something?" Error bounced his eyebrows at us, and Ink and I both blushed.

"Yes." Ink spoke curt.

"Oh sorry sorry." Error waved his hands at us and he stepped backwards until he left the room.

"As I was saying." I started, still looking over at Error, but then Ink kissed me. Which I melted into and kissed back. He let go, and I looked at him lovingly.

"I think we are excellent parents." I mumbled, after resting my head on his shoulder.

"Yeah..." He trailed off, but then jerked when he came up with an idea. I backed away and I watched.

"What about your parents Y/N?" Ink's voice turned to softness. His sudden question took me off guard, and made me freeze, and think about my life before I had met Ink.

"L-Let me call F/N..." I spoke, still in shock to Ink's question. I moved my head towards the stairs, and called for F/N.

F/N's POV:

I heard Y/N call for me from downstairs. I am curious to hear what it was. It seems like something normal, but judging by the tone of her voice, she's either shaky in fear, or shaky in excitement.

Let's hope it's the latter.

I hop down the carpeted stairs, and I met Ink and Y/N, but Y/N seemed traumatized. I stepped forward towards her, and I frowned and looked to Ink for a possible answer, but he seemed as clueless as me.

"F/N..." Y/N meekly spoke.

"Yeah?" I questioned, and looked over to her with sympathy.

"What about our parents?" Then that look turned into empathy.

"Oh my stars...." I muttered. I stared off into the wall, and I tried to make the best of it by joking about the situation. "Hey at least Cheshire and Pastel will see their grandparents!..."

I looked to Ink for comfort, but then he pointed towards one of our kitchen doorways, and I saw Error standing there, confused as a chameleon in a bag of skittles. I opened my arms wide, a gesture for wanting a hug, and then he ran over and hugged me back. After a while of all of us hugging, Error questioned Ink.

"Got any idea why they are so... solemn, all of a sudden?" Ink gestures a, 'I don't know,' back. Y/N looks at Ink, and before she spoke, she remembered something.

"Oh right, you don't have any idea what having parents is like." She glared at he ground sourly, and that made me remember too.

"What Y/N said. Yet, I think I know who would understand." I wiggle out of Error's arms, and I go up the stairs. I meet myself with the doors, that are the doors respectively, from left to right. Cheshire, Pastel, Error and me, and Ink and Y/N. There's a bathroom in between mine and Y/N's. But that's aside from the matter at hand here. I went into both Cheshire and Pastel's room at the same time.

"Girls! We are going to see your grandparents!" I exclaimed, whilst talking to them through the two open doors.

"Wait... Really?!" Pastel cheered, her eyes lighting up.

"Yep!" I exclaim back.

"So we're seeing your parents... In which you probably haven't seen.. In about..." Cheshire counts on her fingers while looking to the ceiling. (This next part will vary due to your choice of age and continuity errors.) "18-24 years." She looked back to me, with her eyesockets wide. She then made her eyelights disappear. "That's been a long time!"

"Yeah!..." I rubbed the back of my neck. "We, kinda forgot about the real world... It's going to be strange coming back, after such a long time."

"Does it work where it's been 18-24 years over there, or is it where it's only been a second?" Pastel perked up, and cocked her head.

"I don't know..." I looked to the ground.

"Be prepared to ask the questions, and explaining the skeletons." Cheshire gestured towards herself. I made a noise of agreement, and motioned for them to come out.

"You think we should go right now?" Y/N asked me from beside me.

"If we surprised them with this alarming info, then sure why not." I replied, walking down the stairs to the boys.

"You got them?" Ink asked, with a worried and confused expression on his face.

"Yeah. You think you could teleport us to our old homes?" I didn't make eye contact, refusing to cry in front of everybody.

"Yes, hopefully." Ink grabbed his paintbrush from his room, then came back down. Error hugged me from the side, causing me to suddenly have watery eyes. I tried to blink away the incoming tears, but this only made my eyes more prepared for the wave of emotion. I rubbed them away, and my face scrunched up to one of sadness and guilt.

Why haven't we seen them? 

It's been over 10 years... 

They must be worried sick!

We just abruptly disappeared from them...

They might be mad at us....

"Hey at least you guys get to see your in-laws!..." I pitifully tried to lighten the mood, but that only made it worse. Error gently nudged me, telling me that we were going. I sniffed a couple times to clear my nose of mucus, and looked up to our painted portal.

The portal itself wasn't new, but the transportation there is. All of us as one big family was going to Y/N and I's families... for about 20 years since we have last seen them...

What would they think of skeletons?!

Hey!... I haven't updated this since last year.... My main focus was Cocktails and Beer, and not this anymore. I had made an addition to this chapter on my tablet, but I changed the email for it, so that draft was deleted. I had also forgot the password to it, so I procrastinated even writing a word onto this chapter since it would be different than my planned draft. Turns out I knew the password all this time, and just recently got the email on again, and as I said, the draft had deleted.


Even if it's only barely over 1,000 words.

But I got the inspiration back to complete this sequel! I have had this whole idea planned out for a while, (since there was so much time to muse over it) and I am excited to finally finish this book!

Stay tuned for more! 

(Hopefully I won't update next in two months...)

Have a good day or night, wherever you are!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2018 ⏰

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