Letters for you, and a fainting girl for me.

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Ink's POV:

"Cheshire? Could you help me with these letters?!" I call up towards Cheshire's room.

"Coming!" I heard from her room.

I almost made all of the letters on my head fall, but luckily Cheshire came right on time and helped me with them.

"Woah! Why do we have so many letters?" She grabs half of the letters and sets them on the table that we were at. "Wait..." She mumbles as she spots some letters with her name on it.

"Wow. I have, 1, 2, 3,........ 9..." She speaks as she grabs the cards with her names on them. I then dump the rest of the cards onto the table, which tallies up to about 11.

"Uh, funny thing is, Cheshire..." I scratch my spinal cord as Cheshire looks up to me. She gives me a confused look. "These are all for you..."

Her pupils shrunk until all I saw was black. "Me? T-This is from the deal... Right?" She points towards herself.

"Uh.. Heheh... Yeah...." I then move to rub my humerus. Her pupils appeared, but they were pinpricks. 

"So you're saying that... 11 Sanses want to be my wife?" She sits down. "I don't know what to think Ink! Should I be excited, curious, mad?" 

"Well what do you feel right now?" I sit down as well and sneak my hand over to grab a card without Cheshire noticing.

"I... I just don't know!" She outburst. This gave me a chance to sneak a peek at the card I grabbed. On the front said: G. Oh boy what have Error and I gotten our daughters into?

"How would you feel if you were a perfect 16 year old skeleton and then all of a sudden your dad makes a deal with a villain?! That makes you a magnet for ma-female skeletons?!" Cheshire then covers her face with her sleeves of her magenta turtleneck sweater. I then face-palmed myself. 

"*sigh* Sorry about all this.. And I'm sure Error is sorry as well. Just do understand the situation here." I move my hand out of my face. "Would you rather be taken by Nightmare instead?"

"No! It's just...." She lifts her skull out of her hands. "Nightmare could send a letter to me too! He could make me fall in love with him and I can't help it because I will fall in love with him too and I then it would be all confusing since Nightmare kidnapped me in the first place and then it would be Stockholm syndrome like Dad did to... Mom..." Her eyes disappeared again. "I. Really. Don't. Want. To. Be. Nightmare's. Wife." She looks to the side, her pupils reappearing. I sigh, and I hold my head with one of my hands.

"Look, I know this is a scary thing for you to go through, but," I started blushing. "Your mommy was at a young age as well! Even Y/N! Just think, that they have been through the same things as you are probably going through, except... More... Mellow." 

"*sigh* How is that supposed to help Ink? Can't you see that I got skeletons whom I don't even know and they are wanting to be my wife? All you can say is, 'Except more MELLOW?!'" I saw some glitching going on with Cheshire, but as soon as it appears it disappears. "That is an understatement. You guys had it as good as a fanfiction!" Cheshire spreads her arms wide as she spoke to me.

"Fanfiction? You mean Wattpad that all of you girls are reading?" I notice Cheshire blush purple.

"U-Uh... I'm not sure if I even should say an answer to this.." She shakes her head of the thought, but leaving the blush. "Also stop changing the subject on me Ink! We were ranting about how perfect your love-life with Y/N was! Now think about mine and Pastel's!" Cheshire glares at me which I chuckle at.

"Well I already set up Pastel with Blueberry! I think they seem like a good match! Do take note that Blueberry was the only one in his AU to be without a date." Cheshire's pupils widened.

The next generation. (Sequel of Ink x Reader and Error x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now