A deal with night, and a time with Blue.

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Error's POV:

When Catgirl and I went off to our rooms, after tucking Cheshire into bed, I felt the tingling at the back of my collarbone, and I whisked my head around, knowing that something was watching me. Catgirl looked at me confused, and I gave her a look that let her know that something was up, besides the ceiling. I concentrated, and tried to figure out what could be looming in Ink's mansion, but I didn't get my answer. I decided to go to bed, and sleep on it. I clutched Catgirl's soft hand, and rubbed her palm with my thumb. I sighed, and walked over to our room.

Our door was an interesting design. Imagine a gradient, but it starts off with black, and ends with orange and white. The peephole, that Ink made for some reason, was a heart like the other doors. Catgirl opened the door, and we saw our room.

The walls were a (Friend's favorite color) and orange gradient, and our bed was a king size bed with red sheets that reminded me of when I was an error. The floor was carpet, and it was a bright white. We also had a wall with a window, and that led to a balcony. Catgirl climbed into the bed, and I did as well.

I pulled up the red sheets above us, and I felt Catgirl cuddle with me. I grinned, and then I hugged Catgirl and drifted off to sleep...


I was at the hallway where I felt the uneasy presence of something watching me. This time, I felt it again, but when I looked behind me, I saw who it was.

"Fancy seeing you here Error." The black, and dripping foe was in front of me. "I never thought a little and pathetic girl would change you." Nightmare's grin widened in a creepy fashion.

"Don't you dare call my wife that or I'll-" I was about to try and kill him, but he interrupted.

"Or you'll what? Your old powers have disappeared, so what are you gonna do?" He was right. I didn't have my old powers... "There has been peace and equality for far too long. So long that it has gotten boring. I decided to change things up a bit, and maybe..." One of nightmare's tentacles reached into Cheshire's room, and pulled out my daughter.

"TAKE YOUR DAUGHTER LIKE YOU TOOK YOUR WIFE?" Nightmare squeezed Cheshire, causing her to silently scream.

"NO! Don't take her!" This caused Nightmare to laugh.

"Do you really think that I will just give her to you? NO WAY! Good people are so idiotic and naïve at times." Nightmare then opened a portal that was glowing a dark blue and black. "Time to have a good time with her."


A good time?!

"Before you go," I quickly thought of a plan.

"What?" Nightmare sounded annoyed and impatient, but I stuck to my plan, and spoke.

"I have a deal to strike with you and the other Sans's." Nightmare closed the portal.

"I'm listening." I noticed that he loosened the grip of Cheshire a bit just so she could breathe, but not get out.

"Whoever she loves, is when she can go to them and be their wife. All she has to say," I watched Cheshire's eyes light up at the deal. "Is I love you." She blinked once, and smiled.

"Hmm...." Nightmare rubbed his chin. "Seems logical." He turned to her. "I still think you're irresistible." Cheshire had a confused face for a moment, before Nightmare dropped her on the ground.

"Bientôt, mon amour, je t'attraperai.🖤" Nightmare said something in French, then blew a kiss at Cheshire. He then disappeared into a black puddle.

The next generation. (Sequel of Ink x Reader and Error x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now