Chapter 4: The Night In The Hotel

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Tyler's POV:

I glance over at a sleeping Craig and smile. He looks so peaceful. He's been having nightmares since the accident, and he doesn't really want to talk about them with me. But this passed week, since we've started to meet up with the gang, he seems to have stopped having them. I can't stand when he has them, because there is no way I can help him. They are the only demons I can't fend off for him. And that tears me apart. I look back at the road, and sigh.
Jon shifts in the back, and I can hear a bag. I look up into the rear view mirror, and watch his every movement. He hasn't seen I see him yet. He's holding a stuffed owl, and slowly slips it under Evan's arm. Evan instantly pulls it closer to him, and snuggles deeper into the seat. His body starts to lean on Jon, he what fear he had seemed to wash away almost immediately.
Jon hesitantly touches his head, and pushes his hair back out of his face. He leans down and gently lays a kiss on Evan's head, before pulling back, and wrapping an arm around his shoulder and arm. Jon finally looks up and sees me staring. He looks at me. The way he stares is as if begging me. As if not to tell anyone. I give a small nod, and he looks out his window, relaxing a bit.

The next morning I drive into Anaheim, and look for a hotel to stay in. Mostly everyone is awake. Lui is still asleep, and must be really tired. Pulling into the driveway of some random hotel Craig spotted, I park and we head in. We decided David and Lui would share a room, Evan and Jon would share a room, and finally Craig and I would share a room. David hold Lui in his arms, as he grabs the keys. Jon offered to carry all their lounge, and then wanted to carry his and Evan's as well. But after a bit of pickering, Evan won. Jon always lets him win.
We head over to the elevator as a group, and get in. All our rooms are on the eleventh floor, a few doors from each other. Once we're on our floor, we get out and a family rushes passed us to get in. The few children giggle and watch us as their parents catch up. The elevator door starts to close, and Evan quickly puts a foot in the way, making it open again.
When the parents reach, the smile at us. "Thank you," the mother said to Evan. "Sorry you had to hold the door for me. I should have tried harder to keep up..."
"It's okay," Evan smiles to her. "When you have three kids, and they like to run wild, it's hard to keep up with them." She gives a nod, before slipping into the elevator. He husband turns to look at Evan and gives a nod, before following his wife. Evan moves his foot, and starts for the rest of us.
We wait for him to be next to Jon before continuing down the hall. Craig reaches our door, and I touch his shoulder. "I'll be right back. I'm going to help Jon with David and Lui's bags." He nods, and steps into the door. I drop my bags on the inside of the door, and head over to Jon quickly.
He looks up at me as I take a bag from him. We enter the room after David, and drop the bags a few feet into the room. David lays Lui on the bed gently, before looking back at us with a smile. "Thank ye," he says to us.
We just nod and quietly slip out the door. Jon hurries to get to his room, but I grab his arm and stop him. "I won't say anything to anyone," I say to him in a quiet voice. "But I want to know... why?" I ask. It wasn't to clear of a question, but I couldn't think of any other way to phrase it to him.
"I don't know..." he said, trailing off.
"You and I both know that's not a good answer," I say to him. He looks at his feet, and I can seance he's afraid. "Don't be afraid... what's so bad that you have to be afraid?" He gulps, and glances over to me.
"Because I shouldn't feel this way towards a friend. I don't even know what I feel for him. Somedays this feeling is so strong, I wish I never meet him. Isn't that a bad thing?" He asks me. I look into his sad bright blue eyes.
"Jon..." I trail off for a few seconds, trying to think of the right words. "It's not a bad thing. What's a bad thing, is you are scared to let him go yet you so desperately want to abandon him. Again, you and I both know that that's a bad idea." He nods, looking back down at his feet.
"I was going to move to Britain when this trip was over...." he admitted. Pulling my hands into fist, I glare at Jon. I don't know why, but anger started to boil inside me. Maybe because he was going to leave Evan. If he did that, I fear what Evan would do. He'd be devastated.
"You can't do that," I say. "That will tear him apart..." Jon looks up at me, and whips away a stray tear.
"Jon...?" A small voice asks from behind him. I look over his shoulder to see Evan leaning on the door frame. He looks so innocent and happy. "I'm going to take a nap... your welcome to join me..." he said. The way he said it was as if he was waiting for Jon to ask that certain question.
"Yeah. I'll be there in a second," he says.
"Uh, there's also one tiny problem..." he says. Jon finally looks back at him, as if waiting for some horrible news. "There is only one bed, so we'll have to share. I mean! We don't have to! I could sleep on the floor! And you on the bed! Or there's a couch! It's up to you!" Evan rushes out, a blush creeping onto his almond colored skin.
"Evan, its okay. We can share the bed," Jon says. He has a slight chuckle in his voice, as if he finds it amusing that Evan was flustered.
Evan nods, and heads back into the room. Jon looks over at me, and he has to look away the second our eyes meet. "Jon, this is not a game. If you continue in like this, and then just pick up and leave. You know what the results will be. And one of those will be him never wanting to talk or see you again."
"I know... thank you, Tyler," Jon whispers. With that, he heads into the room, and leaves me in the hall alone. I wait a minute before heading inside my room. Craig is sleeping on the bed, and I go over and curl up next to him.
He's shaking uncontrollably, and his breaths are heavy. "You're safe," I whisper to him, as I pull him into my chest. "It's a dream." He relaxes into my touch, and his breaths even out. I soon drift off to sleep, as I need it before we go. I haven't slept since the day me and Craig got the motel room to stay while the rest of the gang got to America. He's been having a lot more nightmares, and they seem to be increasing.

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