Chapter 8: Wish I Never Left You

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Trigger warning!

Craig's POV:

Robert and I have been hanging out for a while now, and I had ended up crying. "I shouldn't have left," I say, whipping a tear away.
"You made the right choice," Robert said, his hand touching my thigh. I close my eyes and pretend it was Tyler touching me. I feel his other hand touch my chest, and I start to feel uncomfortable.
"Wait... I can't," I say. "I have a boy-" I stop myself, knowing Tyler wasn't my boyfriend. Robert chuckled.
"You don't have a boyfriend," he whispers as he stands. He slowly pushes me down on the bad, and I feel less bad about what might happen. But I really didn't want to lose my virginity to some guy I meet a few days ago. I want Tyler to take it... as stupid as that sounds.
"Robert, I can't..." I say, but he becomes more forceful, as he sits on me. "Robert, I can't do this...." I try again, my voice weak. He shushes me, as he leans down and starts kissing at my neck. He almost gave me a hickey yesterday, but I had to go. So this was fine, I guess. I didn't want it though.
"Forget about him...." Robert whispers, as he pins my hands above my head. My breaths become heavy, and I feel trapped. He starts to pull my pajama pants off, as he pins my wrist down with one hand.
"Stop..." I say, feeling sick. Feeling dirty. He kisses my lips, and I look away as I bite my lip. Tears slip down my cheeks, and I'm scared. I wish Tyler was here with me. I wish I never left him. My heart bounds in my chest, as he lets my wrist go. I try and push him off, but he swiftly hits my hands away.
"Don't be a feisty one," he smirks. "Or I'll have to use restraints." I fight harder, and he snatches my right wrist in his hand. He reached over to the bedside table and pulls a pair of handcuffs out.
"Wait! No! I'm sorry!" I beg. He chuckles darkly, as he cuffs me to the bed frame. I yank against it, desperately trying to get out.
"I warned you," he smirked, pulling a gag out of the drawer, he ties it around my mouth. My begs were muffled by the cloth, as he continues to strip me. He runs his hands up and down my body, making me whimper. "Don't be scared," he whispers in my ear. I turn my head to the side and squeeze my eyes shut.
His hand roughly run over my body making more whimpers escape, and it makes him chuckle. He kisses my neck and jaw, as I try to shake him off. It's no use though. Keeping my eyes closed, I try and pretend it was Tyler touching me. I wish it were Tyler touching me.
He reached into his drawer again, and pulls out a whip. "This will be fun," he said, standing up. He strikes me ribs with the whip, and I whimper. More hits come at me, and I have no choice but to take it. I tried struggling, and the whip only cracked down on my arm. I felt a sting on my cheek as well, but ignored it, as I tried to think of something happy. When he was done with his punishment, he climbed back on top of me.

After what felt like forever, it was over. He left me on the bed while he went and took a shower. When he was done, he came back into the bed room. He came and sat on the edge of the bed, and touched my thigh. I jerk away, and look at him with fear. "You know if you go back to him, he'll never love you. He never loved you anyways," he told me. His hand goes up my thigh, and I yank against the restraints again. "If anything, he'll hate you more."
We look at each other for almost a minute, before he sighs. Robert grabbed the keys from the drawer and uncuffed me. I instantly jump out of the bed and snatch my cloths up. I run down the stairs, as I pull on my boxers. I hear him slowly walking down the hall behind me, and I just dart out of the house, not wanting to stay one more minute here.
"Thanks for the amazing night!" He calls to me. I continue running, until I was blocks away. Pulling the gag down around my neck, I lean against the bus stop and curl into a tight ball. I pull my phone out as I cry silently.
I can't see the screen as it's blurred from my tears. I click on a random number, and it rings for a few seconds, before someone picks up. "Mini?" The person asks. It wasn't Tyler. Instead it was Lui. "Where is everyone? Evan had called me, telling me to come on this exact day and time."
"L-Lui..." I sob.
"Craig? Are you okay? Where are you? What happened?" He asked. I let out a sob, and my breaths come out faster. I couldn't breath. It was like one of my nightmares. I was choking on my own blood again. Drowning in it. "One minute! I'll be right there! Stay where you are!" He ordered. I could hear him start up his car, and speed down the street. He hung up on me, and I let my phone drop next to me.
Grabbing the ground under me with one hand, I grab my throat with the other. After a minute, a car screeches to a stop in front of me. I must have been close to him. But I wasn't close to the house. Where did Evan tell him to meet him?
Lui jumps out and runs to my side. "Good thing I have that app find friends..." he said. He dropped to my level, and whipped a few tears away. "I need you to slow your breaths and take deep breaths in and out. Do it with me," he said, sucking in a breath through his nose. I did as he did, but it came in all shaky and gasped like. He then released the breath slowly, and I followed his order once more.
We do this a couple of times, before my breaths are somewhat even. He pulls me into a hug, and I hug back, just wanting to be hugged right now. "Now... where is Evan?" He asked me.
"H-home," I stuttered.
"No, he told me to go to some parking garage a few blocks away," Lui told me. I look at him with confusion, as I sniffle. I pull out my phone and call David. I can't talk to Tyler. I might not even be able to face him ever again.
David answers on the third ring, and he seems surprised. "Craig? Where are you? Tyler and I have been looking for you all night," he says.
"Nogla, where is Evan?" I ask, my mindset only on him. At least then I don't have to think about the pain I just went through.
"Home sleeping. He said he was to tired, and Tyler let him stay home. Why?" David asks me. I look at Lui, and repeat what David said.
When I was done, something horrible came to mind. "Start heading home. Now!" I say. "Lui, drive me there!" I order. He helps me to my feet and into the car.
"Wait! You're with Lui?!" David asks.
"Just get back to the house now! I'm hanging up and calling Evan," I say, before hanging up quickly. I dial his number, and he answers on the fourth ring. "Evan! Where are you?" I asked.
He giggles like he's high. "Home. Where else?" He asks. Lui speeds up when he sees my worried face. He giggles again. "He's so obsessed with me!" He laughs.
"Who?" I ask.
"Jon," he says like I should already know. "He's been trying to calling me for like twenty minutes... or maybe ten... and it's all because I sent him a simple text. He's so clingy," Evan said like a teenage girl.
"What did you do?" I asked him.
"Took only a few pills," he laughed like it was some joke.
"How many pills?" I ask him.
"Five.... fifty," he said, seeming confused.
"Lui, call 9-1-1," I tell him. He shakes his head.
"We're almost there," he told me. Evan giggled again, and something smashed in the background.
"Lui's with you? I knew he would come," he said.
"What was that?" I asked, ignoring his question. Lui pulled into the drive way, and we ran inside. I could hear coughing on the other side, and the than a flattering sound. He probably dropped the phone.
We run up stairs to his room, where he sat on the floor. His bedside lamp was smashed to pieces next to him, and his phone lay among the glass. Evan's hand was cut open and bleeding, along with his arm. Glass shards stuck out of the wounds, and I dropped next to him. He was coughing up blood, as he lay against his bed. An empty bottle of pills lay next him, and an empty bottle of alcohol in his hand.
I swipe it away from him, and he coughs once more. A giggle escapes his lips, and he looks around the room with an empty gaze. "Evan...? What did you do to yourself?" Lui asks from behind me. Glancing back, I see that Lui is looking away, and he had his eyes closed.
Evan doesn't answer, as he's lost in his own world. His eyes are foggy, and his skin is ice cold. I rush out of the room, and come back with rags. Dropping next to him again, I blindly yank out prices of glass, before tightly wrapping his arms with the rags. The cloth is instantly soaked with his blood.
"Oh no..." I hear behind me. I don't look back. I have to focus on stopping the bleeding. Lui was talking, and I assumed to someone on the phone. Someone drops next to me, and hesitantly reaches out to touch him. Their hand pauses, and seems to faultier. "I shouldn't have left..." the person says. Looking over, I see it's Jon. I move to the side a bit, and he comes and lays Evan on the ground. "I wish I never left you..."
Evan giggles, and tries to push the boy away. He's to weak though. Jon leans on Evan arm and holds it tightly in his hand, stopping the blood flow. "Late... like always," Evan whispers. Jon lets out a sob, as he holds his arm.
"You won't die. You can't...." Jon cried.
"I can leave you now," Evan giggles. And I know he's on drugs right now, but there is some truth to it. "I can do what you did to me," he said, smiling. Coughs come from him, and blood drips from his mouth. A few people rush in and I move aside. Paramedics grab Jon's shoulder and slowly pull him back. Jon stands firm though, and refuses to move.
"Sir, you must move," the woman says. "We can help him. We can save him," she says. Jon snaps out of it, and pulls back. He watches the paramedics close around Evan, and he stands up.
He shook his head as he backed away. He then swiftly turned and ran out out of the room.

Lui's POV:
Jon leaves the room, and I rush after him. I could hear Craig being kicked from the room, and then him running after us. We leave the house, and pause in the doorway. I can see Jon on his knees, in the middle of the yard. He's looking up at the sky, and we can both see tears sliding down his cheeks. I slowly go over to him, and set a hand in his shoulder. Jon only lowers his head, and whispers.
"I shouldn't have left..." he said.
"You didn't know. No one could have known," I say. Running can be heard close by, and someone stops next to me panting.
Craig comes over, and jumps into Tyler's arms. "I'm sorry..." Craig cries into Tyler's shoulder.
"Don't ever do that again! You scared me!" Tyler hissed at the boy. Craig began to cry harder, and that's not like him. Something had happened, but I don't want to ask him about it. Especially with the whole Evan thing going on right now, and Tyler next to him. Something even worse could happen.
"Lui..." David said from behind me. He seemed happy to see me. "I though you were miles away by now," he said coldly, as he looked away and crossed his arms. "Maybe you should have stayed miles away," he says.
"Evan would be dead if I didn't tell Craig who warned you!" I hiss, but it comes out weaker than I thought it would. Tears slip down my cheeks, and David looks at me with surprise. "I-" my voice broke.
"Lui..." he said. Looking away, I go to comfort Jon again, some neighbors come and crowd around the house, curiosity on all of their faces. Paramedics rush out of the house with Evan on a gurney. They don't make it half way down the lawn, before Evan goes flat lined.
"Get him off the gurney!" The man orders, as the get him on the ground. They crowd him, as someone pulls out a defibrillator. "Clear!" The man says, and they hit Evan with the electric shock. His body jerks, but not like you see in the hospital. He doesn't go up as much. "Clear!" The man says again.
"It's not working," the woman says.
"Lets do one more shock," the man says. "Clear!" He says once more. The woman shocks Evan. The Asian boy jerks up, and he lets out a gasped breath. He relaxes on the ground, and the paramedics sigh.
"Sir," the woman says. "He's swollen a ton of pills with a bottle of alcohol..." the man nods, as they rush into the ambulance. Jon rushes over, and I stand there watching. The two talk for a second, before Jon climbs in.
"Let's go," Tyler said, going to my car, that was still running. Everyone follows his lead, and I quickly get into the drivers seat. The ambulance speeds off, and I follow close behind all the way to the hospital.

You're In My Veins (H20Vanoss, Minicat, DaithiDeCalibre)Where stories live. Discover now