Chater 9: The Hospital

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David's POV:

Lui dove us all to the hospital, making sure to follow the ambulance until we reached the parking lot. We got into the hospital and had to sit in the waiting room after giving our names and who we were waiting for. I've never liked hospitals. They smell weird, and their always filled with sadness. And it feels like you're waiting a million years just to see the one you love again. It's heart breaking.
Lui stands up and starts to pace back and forth in front of us. He has his right hand in his pocket, as if wanting to pull something out. "I found something while we were at the house," he finally says, sounding disappointed in himself for not telling us before. I leaned forwards.
"What do you mean?" Tyler said, rubbing his eyes. Craig was snuggled close to him, as if never wanting to be separated from him again. The way Lui looks at Craig, seems almost sorry, and I want to know what happened between them.
"I found a note...." his voice came out forced, "a suicide note..." Jon looked up, looking tired beyond belief. Red splotches were on his cheeks, and he had bags under his eyes from lack of sleep - meaning he probably hasn't been sleeping good for the past few days. "I think you should read it first, Jon."
"I-I can't... can you, uh, read it to me?" Jon asked, and Lui gave a small nod.
He went and sat on the coffee table in front of us, as he began to read the note to us. To Jon. "I'm sorry I was such a burden to every one of you for the passed two months. I mean, that's why Jon left us, isn't it? He couldn't take the heat anymore, and I was such a disappointment to him, he couldn't look at me."
Jon looked away, as a few tears slipped down his face.
"I texted you a short message to say good bye. I wanted to say it to you in person, but I was terrified to see you. I couldn't face you. Especially since what I wanted to say to you was, I love you. You are the best person that has ever happened to me. Every time I got close to you, butterflies filled my stomach. I couldn't breath. You were the sun that never set. And I was the moon that I wished I could see you even when you weren't around. Then the Earth came between us. And you left. I knew you had finally set, and I was just chasing you around the world, wishing to see you just one more time before I die. But I could never face you."
Lui's voice began to break, but he kept reading on with the note.
"And whatever I said when I was drunk out of my mind, or fucking high on those pills, I didn't mean any of it. I know I'm going to say something stupid, so I might as well of added that part. And don't you like how I dragged Lui back?" Lui chuckled, but it was in a sad way, not a funny way. "I know he'll come. Not only for me, but also for the persons I mentioned to him in the text he received from me. I thought if I'm going to die, the last thing I'll do is pull two of my closest friends together. We all know they love each other. None of us our blind. And Tyler and Craig will be okay. They are already close to each other, and sure I heard them fighting downstairs, but they'll get over it. Not ever them. The last thing I want to say, before the pills start to take affect is, I'm sorry. And know none of this is any of your faults. Don't play the blame game, not even to yourself. None of you could've prevented it. I was planning it the day Jon left, and none of you would have known. Depression and grief look similar. So please don't blame yourself?
Love you.
Lui finished, and whipped a tear away. He got up from the table, setting the paper done as he did so, and turned his back to us. His hands were on his face, and I could see him shaking slightly. "I should have gotten there sooner. I should have known by the text what he was planning," Lui whispered.
"Hey. Didn't he say not to blame yourself?" Craig said, getting up. He walked over to Lui and stepped in front of him. He hesitantly pulled his hand back, and whipped away Lui's tears.
Lui looked at him, as if looking at him for the first time tonight. "What happened?" He asked, touching Craig's cheek. The boy pulled away, and hid his face in his hand. "Where did you get that?"
"I fell when I had that panic attack," he said. We all saw right through the lie. He was always such a bad lier. Tyler stood up and walked over to him. "It's nothing, really guys. Let's just focus on the fact our friend is dying in the emergency room, and he needs us." Craig said, as if begging Tyler to back up.
Once he reached the smaller boy, he snatched his wrist in his hand and pulled it back. He used his other hand to touch it. Craig winced, pulling his face back. "He did this, didn't he?" Tyler asked, anger in his voice.
"No..." Craig lied once more.
"You know you're a terrible lier, right?" Tyler said, his voice sad now. "He did it to you, and you're covering for him..."
"No," Craig said once more. He wasn't lying this time, but he was hiding something. Lui sat down where Tyler was sitting and we watched everything unfold.
"What do you mean no? You have to be covering for him," Tyler said. But we all know Craig wasn't lying when he said no.
"I'm not covering for him. You and I both know that is not a lie. You can see right through me, and you know it...." Craig said. Tyler let his free hand fall and touch his rib cage. The boy winced once more, and jerked backwards.
Tyler looked him in the eye, and Craig quickly tried to grab his hand. It was to late. Tyler had a hold on his shirt, and pulled it up. Bruises and cuts were scattered around on his stomach and ribs and chest. "What did he do to you?" Tyler asked forcefully. Craig coward back, and looked away from him. If Tyler wasn't holding his wrist, he would have probably of bolted by now.
"I can't tell you..." the boy whimpered.
"Did he threaten you?" Tyler asked.
"No...." the boy choked out.
"Then why can't you tell me?" Tyler said.
"Because you'll hate me!" The boy hissed, finally yanking his hand away. He ran out of the hospital, and I got up.
"I'll go talk to him," I say, leaving. Lui goes to comfort the sad male standing alone. "Mini," I say, as I approach him. He's sitting on a bench right outside the hospital, looking up at the stars.
"When I was little, my mom use to tell me I can be whatever I want. So I became a YouTuber. The one part I didn't plan out was him. Tyler, I mean," he said, as I hesitantly came and sat next to him. "I was never expecting to fall for him... and then I meet that other guy. He seemed to help me cope with my feelings, but he was always jealous when I talked about Tyler. He would say Tyler never loved me, and soon I started to believe it. And that was in a span of only three days. Fun how things can just change by someone repeating something to you over and over...."
"What did this guy do to you?" I asked, and he avoided the question.
"Tyler helped me when I need him most, and I turned my back on him because of some small words that should have meant nothing to me. Tyler was the one who was always there, and he saved me. Every night in my dreams I'd drowned in guilt, and my own blood and tears. And he was someone that made the pain go away with some simple words. He was the only someone who knew what words to say. Do you know what they are?" I shake my head, and he doesn't say anything.
"No," I say, he closed his eyes, letting his head slowly drop down, so he was looking at his lap. He never let his eyes open though.
"You're safe. It isn't real...." Craig trailed off for a second, before saying one last thing. "I love you, and I'll never leave you..."
"Tyler does love you. And I think if you tell him what happened, he can help you get through it." I say, and he shakes his head.
"He'll hate me. I messed up so badly, and it was my fault...." he said, a tear hitting his hand. I reach out and touch his back, rubbing circles into it.
"Tyler will never hate you. Even if he says it, he's just angry and doesn't mean it," I tell him. Craig nods, as he stands up. "Go tell him...."
Craig nods, and walks back into the hospital, I walk in after him, and take my seat back in the waiting room chair.

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