Chapter 7: Another Gone

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Craig's POV:

After the third night at Evan's I heard a noise downstairs. I jump out of bed, careful not to wake Tyler. Hurrying down the stairs, I grab something to hit the intruder with, if it is an intruder. I go into the main room, and see Jon walking back and forth. He was wearing his jeans and shirt, along with his shoes. I set down my object, and looked at him with curiosity.
"What are you doing?" I asked him. I jumped only a little, before continuing on with his pacing. He seemed to be thinking, or debating on something.
"Go back to sleep Craig," he said to me. I cross my arms, and go closer. Now I can see he has his bag on the couch, all packed and ready to go.
"You're leaving? Why?" I ask. He doesn't answer me. "Jon, you can't just pack up and leave." I say to him, but he doesn't seem to listen. I hear someone walking behind me, and I look back to see Evan. Jon stops pacing and looks over at him with a sad smile. Evan pauses and looks over at us.
A small yawn comes from him, and he looks at us with sleepy eyes. "What are you to doing up? It's late," he said.
"Evan..." Jon said, glancing at his bag. Evan stepped closer, and saw what I saw. He was slowly waking up, the more and more he saw what was to come. "Just go back to sleep..." Jon said, almost pleadingly.
"What are you doing?"he asked Jon. The blue eyed male couldn't answer for himself. He just looked at the small Asian male looking at him. "You're leaving aren't you?" Evan asked, his voice almost breaking near the end.
"I didn't want you to see me off," Jon finally said. Evan looked to the side, and closed his eyes. "Evan, I wasn't going to-" he started, but was cut off.
"You were! Don't give me some bullshit about how you weren't going to abandon us! Abandon me!" Evan hissed, glaring at the male now. "You know what? Go ahead! I don't care!" He hissed, but we both knew he was lying to himself. He did care, and it was slowing tearing him apart inside.
"Evan..." Jon trailed off.
"Just go..." he said, starting to break down. "Don't ever talk to me again..." with that, Evan ran up the stairs and slammed his bedroom door behind him. Tyler and David came downstairs as Evan was still going up.
"What's going on?" Tyler asked. I looked at the two, while Jon grabbed his things and started for the door sadly.
"Whoa! Wait," Nogla said, looking at Jon. The blue eyes make turned back to look at all of us. "What is going on here?"
No reply came from Jon, as he turned forwards once more and left the house. He closed and locked the door behind him, obviously having his own key to the house. Tyler rushed to the door and hurried out after Jon. David sighed, and turned leaving me as he went back up the stairs and to his room.

The next morning, I woke up on the couch. Tyler was playing games on Evan's PS4, and I wondered how he was doing. I get up and go to Evan's room. Without even knocking, I invite myself in and sit on the edge of his bed. "You okay?" I ask him. He groans, covering the back of his head with the pillow.
"Go away Jon," his muffled voice said to me. I touched his back and he jerked up into a sitting potion. He shielded his eyes from the light coming from his window, as he tried looking at me. "Craig?" He asked, as if he wasn't expecting me to be here. "Why'd you wake me?"
"Because it's almost ten in the morning, and you should get up. Come on, we can go to Starbucks to get coffee or something," I say, patting his thigh. He groans, flopping back down on his back. "Wear whatever!" I call back to him, as I leave the room. I go to the guest room me and Tyler are staying in, and grab my shoes. I don't bother changing out of my pjs.
Heading downstairs, Evan comes running from his room. When he reaches me, he tries and puts on his shoes without leaning against the wall. He tips a bit, and I touch his shoulder to keep him from falling down the stairs. His breaths come out in pants, as he stands up straight again.
"You okay?" I chuckle, and he nods as we head down the stairs. We get in my car outside, and I start down the street to the nearest Starbucks.
"I was wondering if we could go to the bakery for some doughnuts...?" He asks, looking out the window. The way he is tells me there's something about this place that's special to him. He has a rosy blush on his cheeks, and he looks almost hesitant about it. His arms are pulled onto his lap, and he fiddles with some lose thread on his sweatshirt. I take a closer look and notice it's actually Jon's blue sweater.
"Why don't we go to Duncan donuts? It's closer," I ask him. He shakes his head, as he looks down at his hands. He swallows a big lump in his throat, and holds back a sob. He only let out a choked sob.
"No... uh... this place is special to me," he says to me. "Jon use to get me donuts at this bakery every morning before I woke up... sometimes we'd go together," he let a sad chuckle, as he glanced at me. "We don't have to go. I understand it's inconvenient..." Evan said, looking out his window again.
"No. It's okay. We can go," I tell him. He seems to light up at this, but sadness still looms over him. I pull into Starbucks, and he wants to stay in the car. He just gives me his order, and I head in and order.
While I'm waiting for the coffees, a man approaches me. "Sorry, but I couldn't help but notice how alone you look," the guy smirks. He looks like a normal person. Teal colored hair, crooked smirk, and dark blue eyes. He's wearing normal cloths, skinny jeans, tennis shoes, and a plain tee shirt.
"No, uh, I like being alone," I say. I mentally slap myself, feeling stupid for saying that. Now he thinks I'm a loner. "I mean! I like have people around, but I'm okay being alone and stuff! I'm not a loner... promise," I say, getting flustered.
The man chuckled, as he patted my back. "You're cute when you're all flustered," he said to me. I blush a dark red, and look away.
"This music... uh, don't you like it. Starbucks always plays good music," I tell him. He only chuckles once more, and looks me up and down. He bites his lip sexually, and looks at my lips.
"There music is good. Do you sing at all. I bet you're good," he says. I can't look at him, so I watch the people behind the counter make everyone's drinks. "Oh come on. Don't hold out on me," he smirks, his hand traveling down to my hip. I jump and giggle as he smirks wider. "Ticklish are you?" He asks.
"No! No..." I say, putting my hands up in defense. "And yes, I sing... not well though, and I usually do it in the privacy of my shower," I tell him.
"That's cute," he says.
"Craig and Evan!" The woman behind the counter calls. "Your coffees are done," she looked at me. I nod and step over to the counter. I snatch up the coffees, and the guy leans against the counter.
"So, which one are you? Evan or Craig?" He asks. I don't answer, as I look away. "Is he your boyfriend? Evan or Craig?" I blush and look back at him.
"No, Evan is not my boyfriend," I say. He nods, and the woman smiles at him, as she passes the coffee to him.
"Robert," she says, and he nods to her, before looking back at me.
"That's good to know," he says to me, as he takes a sip from his cup. "Craig," the way he says my name is almost in a seductive way. My face heats up even more, and I step passed him to leave.
"I have to go... uh, bye," I say, almost tripping over one of the tables. Instead I crash into it, and hit my knee hard. Robert hurries over to me, and grabs the coffees. "Oh, no, you don't have to help me..."
"No, it's okay. I'm just leaving," he says. Robert leads me out of Starbucks, and walks me to my car. Evan is inside, and he looks both scared and surprised. I just now noticed the tear staines on his cheeks, as he has red splotches on them. I open my door, and he sets the coffees in the car. He pulls a pen out from my car, that I use to sketch with. Robert grabs my arm, and pulls it closer to him as he starts to write something on my arm.
"Wait. What are you doing?" I ask with another blush creeping on my face. He smirks, as he finishes. He hands me the pen, and I look down to see a number on my arm, and his name with an xoxo.
"Call me if you ever want to hang out," he says, leaning in so only I could hear him. "Or to have a pleasurable night," he chuckles, as he pulls back. A shiver runs down my spine, and it feels both good and terrifying. "See you later Craig," he smirks, before nodding to Evan. With that, he walked away, and went back into the Starbucks. My cheeks were still red when I climbed into the car.
"What was that about? And who was he?" Evan asked, sounding tired. I shake my head, as I start to drive off.
"No one... someone I just meet," I say. He doesn't push me any further and I head to the bakery where we get the donuts and head home.

I put Robert's phone number in my phone, and we just have been texting back and forth for a few days. He likes to flirt, but he's fun to talk to as he likes most of the same stuff I do. I'm curled up on the couch with Tyler, when I get a text from Robert. I quickly swipe it away, and continue watching the movie. More text come in, and Tyler chuckles, as we watch the movie.
"Is your mom texting you again?" Tyler asks. I shake my head, and he looks down at me. "Than you is texting you?" He asked with a smile.
"Just some friend," I say to him.
"Lui?" He asks, knowing that there aren't many of us to text. And usually when we text each other, we talk in the group chat. I shake my head.
"Just some friend," I say. Looking up at him, I can see jealousy in his eyes. He looked hurt, as if he really wanted to know. "I'll be right back," I say, needing to go to the bathroom.

Tyler's POV:
Craig leaves the room and I snatch up his phone. He had removed all the notifications, so I couldn't see who he was texting. Looking back to make sure he wasn't there, I unlock his phone and see he's on the messages with this new person. I quickly read through the messages, seeing this person was flirting with him. Jealousy hit me so hard, I felt like I shouldn't be this jealous. They have been texting back and forth for a few days now. Looking at the name, I see it said king. My heart stoped, and I wanted to be angry and sad all at once.
Footsteps come from behind, and I quickly set his phone down again. He jumps over the back of the couch and lays his head on my lap. A giggle comes from him, and I hide that fact that I know what he doesn't want me to know. "Guess what?" He asks me with a giggle.
"What?" I ask, faking a smile.
"David stopped me in the hall and wanted me to come into his room so I could pick some thing up. He was at the computer and was to lazy to get up and get it himself," he said. I just nod, and sets a hand on my chest as he looks up at me. "Hey? You okay?" Craig asks.
"Yea... I'm cool." I say, making him sit up. He snatches the remote and pauses the movie. He looks at me, and we both know there is something wrong.
"What's wrong? I know you aren't okay," Craig says to me, looking worried. I scoff, and cross my arms. "What is your problem?"
"I don't know. Maybe I don't want to tell you, since you also like to keep secrets from me." I say, looking at him.
"What are you talking about?" He asks, either playing dumb, or generally confused. "I have no idea what you are excusing me of..."
"Who is king?" I ask. He looks at me with surprise and then anger.
"Were you reading my messages?" He asked with anger. "Do you not trust me or something?" He asks me.
"I don't trust this King guy for sure, you I'm still debating on," I replay back with. Rage fills me slowly, and Craig gets off the couch. He snatch up his phone, and shoved it in his pocket. "Where are you going?" I ask him as he starts for the door.
"Anywhere but here!" He hisses. I jump up and snatch his wrist in my hand. He pauses, and I can feel his blood start to boil.
"Wait! It's almost midnight. Don't go," I say. He yanks his hand from my grasp, and glared back at me.
"Robert invited me over a while ago and I said no since you and I were going to watch a movie. Now I think I might accept that invitation." He says, before slamming the door after him.

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