Chapter 3: On the Run Again

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We reached the coast of India in like three hours which was ok timing because I can normally get there in like an hour. I set them down on the beach and woke Louise up and Derek got out the breakfast and we sat on the beach eating the doughnuts and cinnamon rolls that I picked up in the states. I took them to a big city and told them where to be at 3 p.m. sharp because let’s face it we need a roof over our heads. I found an old castle and thought it would be perfect because I could tell no one had been here in YEARS by the thick layer of dust that covered everything that was inside, the floors and wall included. It had a for sale sign out front but this place was not home material.  I picked up some non perishable food and I could not believe that they had hub a bubba bubble gum in Europe. Then I got lots of water and every kind of soda the gas station had I dropped off the food and drinks and went to go pick up Louise and Derek and when I got them they were right where I told them to be and then I took them to the castle.

            Once we got there I realized there was NO furniture in the place so I told them that I would be back soon and I went to their version of a Wal-Mart and picked up three air mattresses, a bunch of candles, flash lights, a propane powered camping stove top, and some perishable food like milk, cookie dough, some fruits and veggies, I also picked up the BIGGEST coolers they had, some plates, bowls, cups and silverware and then I went to our new “HOME”.

            We ate a BIG dinner which was Fettuccine Alfredo, cooked veggies some of the cookie dough and had a big cup of milk each and then we all blew up our mattresses and went to bed then I remembered that I forgot blankets so I ran to the gas station and got some for each of us I covered them up and then went and sat outside. Derek got up and sat next to me and at first neither one of us said anything. At that moment I really didn’t know what I should say.

            Derek was the first to break the silence which was good because I was bad with words and he was great with them. “So how did you get your powers or whatever you call them?”

 “Well after my dad was killed the guys that killed him found me and drugged me and then it all went black. The next thing I knew I was in a room which was actually more like a cell then people in mask, at least I think  they were masked took me in to a bigger room with a table in the middle. I was then strapped to it and more people came in and they had what looked like about ten, six inch needles and I almost fainted at the sight of it. They stuck one in and drained whatever was in it into me then another and another until they were all empty. I was screaming for them to stop but they didn’t. I lost my voice after the fifth injection. The next day they did the same along with EVERY day after that. Then when I turned ten the put three needles in me at a time till I was twelve and at that point they put six needles in at a time I dealt with the pain every day then when I was fourteen I was put in a room strapped to a table and rolled into another room.

 Then more tables, and more teens were rolled in one by one they were put in a circle we all faced each other and I counted 30 faces that looked scared and I was just standing there strapped to that table forced to look at them.” I said starting to cry. “And then one by one they all started to die and I was excited to greet death except I never did I listened to all the boys and girls scream then watched them die and I couldn’t do ANYTHING to help them.” Now I was crying so hard and listening to my own words and all of it hit me like a bunch of knifes were going through my chest and it hurt to breathe but I continued. “Then I ripped out of the straps and I ran out and past all the other doors and ran out and found myself standing in rain and it felt great. But then people with guns ran out after me and I ran and this time it was like time stopped and I ran past it the rain barley touched me and then I found your town and my barn and then you two and you know what happens after that.” I said with a small smile under my wet teary face.

“Wow, I never thought people could be that cruel to kids that lost all of their family in under a year and at such a young age.” He said and he looked so sincere and his eyes looked sad and they were filled with pity and I looked away because I HATED it when people pitied me. Then I went inside and fell asleep which was a miracle because I have had VERY little sleep since my dad died. Then I woke up and Derek was by my side looking rather worried so I asked “What is it Louise is she ok, what’s going on?” I rushed and she was still sleeping. Then Derek said “she’s fine but you, you were screaming and I didn’t know what else to do but wake you up.

I told him how I hardly EVER sleep because I’m afraid to wake up back in that lab and how in my dream I was asleep they found me and I woke up back in that nightmare of a place. Then he pulled me into his muscular body and stroking my hair and kept saying I was safe and how that everything was going to be ok, which made me cry because I knew that we weren’t safe and nothing ever turns out ok. But I stayed in his arm and we fell asleep on my air mattress and I woke up in his arms and it was one of the best moments in my life.

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