Chapter 9

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As we parted I realized that there was blood on me and then I realized I was shot and it was just me falling to the ground   and Derek was trying to catch me before I hit the ground. Then I heard a scream and a thunder sound from another gun and seconds later another bullet pierced my already damaged body and then I blacked out.

             When I finally came around I was in chains and behind bars and the others were in cells across from or next to mine and Bethany was holding Kayla so close it looked like she wouldn’t let ANYONE take her if they valued their life. Then I felt a panic because I didn’t see Derek or Louise or even Blake but I saw EVERYONE else and I started to have a panic attack and then what I suspected to be a guard came and shot me a dirty look then I raced over to him and by the time he blinked I was already right in front of him and all he did was glare and smirk. By that point I no longer wanted to be here so I took hold of the bars and started to pull them  apart and that really got his attention because he yelled for someone to come and when they did I froze.

             What I saw wanted to make me cry instead I turned even angrier because they had Derek with a gun to his head. Then the man said one thing I could understand as he shook his finger and pointed to Derek. All he said was “boom.” With that I backed away from the bars just now realizing the pain I was in and what might happen to the others if I did anything stupid or something that scares someone important and then hurt the people I came here with.

            After the guard left I punched the wall near my bunk a little too hard and made a huge hole and just looked at my now bruised knuckles and laughed like a mad person after another guard came and saw what I did he yelled at me and all I did was stand up and he took it as a threat. He turned his gun on Bethany and Kayla and smiled then I sat back down showing that I understood. Then he laughed and said “You are strange girl what is your name?” with a strong Russian accent. When I said nothing he looked mad and repeated his question about my name till I tapped my throat to tell him I couldn’t talk and he looked at me then turned to Bethany and asked her for my name and when she saw me shake my head no she said it loud enough so everyone could hear her and said “she never told us all she did was help us that’s it no one here could tell you even if they wanted to sorry.” Then he looked back at me and glared like he was trying to see my insides but couldn’t and I smirked and held my head higher.

            After about an hour I got board and started to exercise a little even though I really didn’t need it then it was meal time and I didn’t want to eat even though I was hungry but not that hungry to give in to slop looking stuff. Then I decided to take a light nap but never really feel asleep then another guard came and got me up but I stayed lying down but opened my eyes. Then he said that he was not going to hurt me so I sat up and rolled my eyes and smiled like he couldn’t even if he tried. Then he looked over at the wall and then got a little scared and I gave a mean smirk and he went back to expressionless and I just sat there while he stared at me.

After about ten minutes he said “I’m Kyle and you are.” I turned away to show I was not going to talk to him. Kyle was about 18 tall tan and vary muscular and tall and had the same eyes as Derek but he had short blond hair. “May I come into your cell at least?” all I did was shrug to show I didn’t care what he did. When he entered the cell he didn’t close the door and he said “I trust you won’t run away without the people you came with.” I looked away trying to fight the tears that stung my eyes and threatened to pour out of my eyes at any second. He asked what I wanted to talk about and I just pointed to him.

He looked confuse at first then asked “Well where should I begin?” I motioned to ask for something to write with and he gave me a pad of paper and a pen. I wrote start with the first day you can remember. J“Ok.” First close your eyes and tell me what you see in every little detail you can give.He closed his eyes and started to talk “It’s my fifth birthday party everyone is smiling but me I’m crying because my dog just died and my dad thought it was funny. Then there is a scream and now everyone is running so I run out then I get hit in the head and I wake up in a cell and I blackout after that. What about you how come you’re in here?” I was in the wrong place and the wrong time I guess and then I was shot and then I woke up here.Was all I wrote because I don’t like to give too much away.

“Will you tell me your name?”


“Why not?”

Because I only give my name to people I trust.

“And who are those people?”

People who are currently dead.

“What do you mean? All of them like no one but you knows you name?”

Yes all of them they were all killed and I had to watch them die.

“Wow. I never thought about them do you wanna talk about it?”


With that he left and I saw him go without another work or looking back at me.

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