Chapter 10: The New Guy

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When I finally wake up it’s about noon and I can tell because of the heat and smell and I think I have been in this cell for at least two day by all the blood on the floor. Then I realize that I am all alone again then I find that I’m covered in blood that I know can’t be mine. Then I close my eyes and try to remember then I see it Avony her long black hair is curled and her violet eyes look darker than they normally do and her pink and purple dress looked great on her. Then I see everyone dancing and I kiss her and she kissed me right back her lips were like silk and then we parted and she fell and blood was oozing out of her stomach and shoulder and she was falling to her knees and gasping for air and I tried to catch her but some one hit my head and I blacked out after someone caught me from behind.

            Then a guy walks in he looks about 18 and like me but blond and he is a little bit taller than me. “Hey man I’m Kyle” and we shook hands.

“Are you silent like that girl with the violet eyes?”


“You don’t talk too much do you?”

“Not to people like you.”

“What do you mean people like me?”

“People who hold other people in a cell for no dam reason kinda people.”

“Well I really don’t know who or why they put you in here but I wasn’t a part of it and that girl how do you know her because no one can tell me who she is and she won’t tell anyone either.”

“Well she is my sister and to tell you the truth she never got a name because our parents were killed before she got one”

“Wow so she has no name and she has a brother, nice and who is everyone else in this place that came in with you.”

“People like us.”

“You mean no parents or home.”

“Yeah and by the way we are all U.S. citizens so technically you can’t hold us here legally.”

“Oh so you are all from the U.S.”


“Ok well I will tell my boss.”

            After he left I got really board and started to tap a beat then looked through my cell bars and saw everyone. I saw Bethany and yelled her name in a whisper kind of way and she looked over at me then a I said “Where is she please tell me you can see her is she ok.” Knowing she knew who I meant and she pointed about three cells down and said she was ok. Then her eyes got wide and she turned away from and I went back to my bunk just in time. After about a minute a guard came and got me and took me to Avony’s cell and we hugged and I kissed her cheek I told the guard thank you for letting me see my SISTER and I said it loud enough so she could hear and she let out a tear and I saw she was in pain.

            “I missed you so much and I was so scared you were….” I trailed off and then I made sure the guard was gone. Then we kissed on the lips but only a light peck. After about ten minutes of hugging  and standing I could tell she had to lay down because she was losing color in her face and started to look like fine porcelain than might break. Then she let only one tear out as she sat down and then she grabbed a pad of paper and pen and wrote down I missed you too. Then we were hugging while sitting and I kissed the top of her head.

“Are you ever going to talk to someone in here or are you going to do a lot of writing.”

I like to write AND I’m REFUSING to talk because they want to know who I am and why I have slowly started to destroy my cell. But I will not talk to anyone I can’t talk to anyone because the more they know the more danger we all are in have they tried to talk to you yet.

“Yes and I told them they can’t keep us here because we are U.S. citizens.”

What no, you didn’t Why did you tell them that the more they know the less likely we are going to be able to leave well do they know who we are or I am or something because if they want information then negotiate with them I don’t care if you tell them who I am if it saves everyone else just bargain with them ok.

“Ok I promise not to say anything else but I will not tell them who you are but you are my sister so I will look after you first and then everyone else ok I love you.”

             Right after the words left a guard came and got me and put me back three cells down from Avony and I said “stay strong we all need you ok” and then I heard her fighting the sobs from what I said and me being taken again because that might be the last time we ever see each other  again.

             I still hadn’t seen Louise or Blake and there were no guards so I was starting to worry about everyone and I really wish that there was some way that I could talk to everyone here to make an escape plan to get out of here but I knew that the only two who stood a chance was Avony and Blake with their “powers”.

            After what seemed like an hour, food came by and it looked a lot better than the jail food I have been served before but just to make sure I smelled it and put only a little of it I’m my mouth and sure enough it was spiked with what I assumed to be something that was meant to make everyone pass out and to my surprise after everyone saw me test the food no one ate it. But then I heard a body drop and I was almost 100% sure it was Avony  and then two guards went to her cell who only proved my suspicion and then they drug her past my cell and I reached out for  and that’s when she sprang back to life and kicked my cell open.

            Then she moved and stared to break the other out of their cells then moved up a few floors and took out a few guards and then Kyle came up and handed me some keys and said “GO!! HELP THE OTHERS!!! GOOO!!!” and I moved faster than I thought because when he finished talking I already had five cells unlocked and he was going the other way and getting Blake and Louise out and they started to run and he was running with them and then I remembered that he too was a prisoner here and that he would probable do anything to get out of here and if we all made it out then I was going to have to thank him.

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