Gods night out

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It was a rare day for the departments; it was their day off.

That must have explained why it wasn't as busy as usual. Zyglavis wasn't there.

Zyglavis isolated himself from the others and went to his room. He was pretty content. The others however were getting restless.

The other gods, excluding Zyglavis, were lounging in the hall doing their own thing.
Ichthys nudged Scorpio as he sat down staring into space.

"Hey, aren't you bored?"

"Do I look like I'm having fun? Stupid fish, of course I'm bored." Scorpio fired back, irritated.

"Okayyy, guys we should do something!"

Ichthys announced excitedly as he now caught the others attention.

"What.." Aigonorus spoke up before returning back to sleep.

"That sounds entertaining."
Leon whipped out a poster he'd seen on Earth.

He'd been forced to visit Earth when this poster had caught his eye. A revealing photo of a woman dancing on a pole was what convinced him to take it.

"Ooh that's a good place." Lou agreed as he stared at the photo.

Scorpio and Dui blushed as they saw what it was about.

"You're disgusting." Krioff crossed his arms and turned his face away.

"I'll go." Partheno agreed as he carefully examined the advertisement.

Karno and Huedhaut, being the most rational out of the gods gave their opinion.

"It's inappropriate-"

"It's inappropriate but we have nothing better to do."

Teorus cut off Karno as he spoke.

"Well, Teorus is right. We might as well think of it as learning opportunity and go."
Lou argued to change the others mind.

This soon escalated to a shouting match which forced a very frustrated Zyglavis out of his room.

"What is this all about?"

His demanding voice rang out.

All eyes were on Zyglavis as he paced up and down.

"Look at Ziggy." Ichthys and Teorus giggled at the sight of the disheveled minister.

"I'm sick of being bored." Was the words that applied to all the gods.

After a bit of persuasion and bribing everyone was ready for the 'Dance club'. Except Krioff. Krioff had to be manhandled and taken along.


'Dance club' was a very misleading name for a bar so promiscuous.

As soon as they stepped foot into the bar, Zyglavis nearly fainted and had to be held up by Scorpio.

It was a huge bar with mainly female employees. Most of them were decent except the ones in the spotlight who seemed to give Krioff and Scorpio a heart attack.

Partheno was like flash. One second he was with the gods and the next he was leering after the woman in the spotlight.

He noticed that people were throwing money at the woman.

He wasn't prepared so he didn't bring money.

He did however have some useless documents that Zyglavis gave him.

The stripper walked over to Partheno.

"Hey handsome."

Everyone around them cheered.

Partheno tore pieces of the documents and threw it at her.

She didn't come near him after that.

A woman approached Ichthys.

She was ignored as he paid no attention to the woman. His interest laid in the changing lights and figuring out the different colours.

When he figured it out he finally acknowledged her and smiled.

"Can you buy me a drink?, this stuff is not free you see."

The woman scowled and walked away.

Teorus continued flirting with everyone.

The woman standing on front of him couldn't stop blushing as they talked about random topics.

"So what's your favourite food?"

"Anything made of milk. Ice cream, cheese or milk itself. I do represent the cow."

She laughed thinking Teorus was joking.

"Anyway, why is a man like you talking to me?"

"You're the most beautiful woman here ."

Teo looked into her eyes and smiled as he said this, making her swoon.

"Don't get your hopes up that's what he said to us."

A group of women stood behind Teorus and he froze.

That night he returned with swollen cheeks.

A brooding Scorpio sat on an isolated table when the waitress came to take his order.

"Hello sir, may I take your order?"

"No you may not."

"But sir-"

"Did I not say no."


"Go away filthy human before I make you."

The waitress ran back as discreetly as she could. He clearly needed help.

Dui blushed uncomfortably as one of the strippers flirted with him.

She wanted his 'number' but he didn't know what a 'number' was meant to be.

She slipped a piece of paper into his hand and patted his chest.

"I gave you mine, now give me yours."

"What's a number?"

She gave him a dirty look as she pulled out her phone and showed him her 'contacts'. It was literally a bunch of numbers.

"Oh I see! My number is 012345678910."

The woman threw the piece of paper in Dui's face and walked away.


Huedhaut was fascinated by the collection of wines and drinks at the bar.

He'd been staring at the wines for a long time.

"Hello what would you like to order?"

"I would like to try your special, thank you."

He continued criticising the wines.

When he took a little sip of the special, he spat it out.

"What is this poison!?"

"Sir, this is a special for a reason. It is one of our customers popular choice."

"They clearly don't have taste and you must not have normal taste buds."

Huedhaut kept on arguing with the bartender. The bartender became frustrated and left, leaving Huedhaut to fill the space.


Leon scowled at the goldfish in front of him.

"Human, are you trying to defy me?"

"Sir, I just asked you to stop stripping."

"I will do what I want."

Leon continued to dance on the table and take his clothes off as he ignored the guard.

A crowd off both women and men started gathering to see this. Money was thrown at Leon as he danced.

"Beg for me goldfish!"

The crowd went wild for Leon. He was still dancing when he staggered and fell on the floor. Leon passed out on the floor and was taken home by Karno.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2018 ⏰

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