Remedy (One-Shot)

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I'm trying to learn stuff about Doctor Who for the AU but it might take a while, there is literally no end to Doctor Who😅

This is inspired by a dream I had, you are stuck in this organization where you serve the high ruler at all costs, you are not allowed to have any close relationships with anyone there (meaning relationships) or you are immediately killed. You have the job of calling the parents and telling them their child is dead, once the servant is killed by the ruler a book appears in your library with a cover that shows what you tell the parents (an example would be a book with the person running from a wolf with a seemingly legit title, you would call the parent and tell them their child was mauled by a wolf). You are second in command and sit with the high ruler most of your life until he deems you are unworthy and executes you. I'm incorporating Vincent into this.

(Just realized this would be an amazing fic idea but I already have to much to keep track of at the moment)

A mask.

That is what you are forced to wear during daylight hours, a mask that hides your true desires and wants. You are not allowed to be human here, all mundane reactions and urges must be pushed aside or you are hunted like animals. All your time must be put forth into serving your ruler with absolutely no distractions, every fiber of your being must be ready to snap into action at the ruler's whim. If you were late by even a millisecond, death awaited with its bony and cold arms open wide like a vice, ready to pull you down into a different kind of hell.

Nighttime was a different story, all servants had a set time to hit the bunks and a set time to awake, only enough time for the human body to rest without shutting down. Simply because to the high ruler, a dead servant was nothing but a bag of useless flesh.

"I was patrolling the halls last night and saw one of the female servants sneaking out to go downstairs" the voice of the third in command boomed, snapping you out of your fixation without so much as a blink. 'Don't let him see your weakness'. The ruler hummed, crossing one leg over the other as he took a sip of expensive champagne from his cup, setting it down lightly and with no expression whatsoever.

"You do know what is downstairs, don't you?" He purred, a wicked smile growing ever more present on his stubbly face, glossy green eyes glowing with malicious intensity. The male beside you nodded, "I do sir, the male bunking quarters" he ground out, blue eyes flashing with hatred and disgust, not towards the girl, but towards the man sitting across from him.

A knowing tension spread across the room like wildfire, a wolffish smile flashing canine-like teeth as the ruler beamed with amusement at his human toys. Blonde hair that almost looked green in the lighting bounced lightly as chuckles filled the small room, forming into hysteria as he laughed away the anger.

"I'll take care of that little mishap, both of you are dismissed" the ruler sneered, rolling up his sleeves as elegantly as possible as polished shoes clicked away to snuff out another life. A quick 'Yes sir' was called as you began to scuttle away, heading towards the bookshelf filled with many hardcover lies that were told to unsuspecting parents.

Both you and Mike hated your job, you'd rather be cleaning and cooking like the rest of the girls instead of sitting by your malicious ruler with the sole purpose of lying. At first glance your partner would seem to be a soldier like the rest of the guys, his eyes a cold blue and muscular body type reeked the title, not to mention the scars on his head which was absent of hair. However, you knew he was just a kid at heart, if it weren't for his daily puns and lighthearted banter about how the king is a 'Shit head' you'd be nothing but a depressed shell of your former self by now.

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