The Future

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The future.... It's so... complicated.

In kindergarten, we were asked what we wanted to be when we grew up.

Some of us wanted to be superstars. Or astronauts. Or even puppies. And our kindergarten teacher chuckled at how cute it sounded, and told us how good our ideas were. Yeah, of course being a puppy when you grew up was a false hope, but we were praised for our wild dreams.

That was fifteen years ago.

Now, in this day and age, people shame you for wanting to have an imagination. You have dreams now, you're lucky if you get to see tomorrow with your dignity, still in tact.

Today, fifteen years later, you're "classified" as grown up. You should have all of your future goals and plans in order – but not only that. Not only that. In addition to your goals and plans, people expect said things to be "realistic".

But... "realistic" to who?

With your wild imagination and open mind, it really is realistic. You know that if you keep following that star, you'll make it. It'll take all of your focus, but you know you can do it.

But what you think you can achieve is not "realistic" to other people.

And boy, as soon as you open your mouth to share those dreams.... In less than the time it took you to share, you're going to wish you never even opened your mouth. You wish that you could just not feel that crushing pain that their judgement has upon you, that they would just stop crushing your dreams, your visions.

So, that's the question, isn't it?

"What are realistic dreams?"

And there's only one true answer to that. One genuinely true answer, that not many people know.

Realistic dreams are whatever the hell you want them to be.

You want to create, then create. You want to do something that drives your heart, do it. You want to build an empire, well then, by all means, do it. And don't let anybody stop you.

The future is hard. Yeah. But at least it's bright. And it's not dimmed by negativity.

It's your life.

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