Shattered Candy

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Left broken and bleeding
Down a dusty backroad
Begging and pleading
That's all she wrote

It's fine and it's dandy
Because nobody cared
Shattered Candy
And left her scared

Blood on the gravel
With ribs kicked in
Nowhere to travel
Health's too thin

She's left for dead
As day fell night
Her damaged head
Left deadly fright

So I tell you this
About the love of your life
There is no bliss
At the end of a knife

His tone turns dark
You feel the fear
You lost your spark
There's no one to hear

He dumps you where
Nobody can find
And without a care
He leaves you behind

Wishes your death
He does not cry
And without a breath
He hopes you die

So get back up
March with the thunder
Nobody will find him
When he's six feet under

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