((°Chapter 6°))

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Knock!  Knock!!  Knock!!!

"Come in"he said. Well, I'll never be expecting a "Come into my life" leaving his lips. I opened the door and walked in. He threw some files at me which flew in the air and landed on the floor. I was scared and wonder what came over him. I bent to pick the files. I stepped forward, backward, side by side to pick them up. I was annoyed by this.

"Sir, why this?" I asked. I can't seem to understand him. He's nice today.  He's rude tomorrow. And nice the next day.  Subhanallah!!

"You see Mrs Rabiah, I don't need you here in Omar's Holdings."he said.

"What?  I don't understand." I said my voice shaking. Is he firing me? I mean, I do my job well, right?

"You're FIRED" he boldly said.

"FIRED? , Why,Sir?" I asked. I needed a valid reason to his decision.

"You know, I've met you before - No, I've bumped into you in a restaurant. I don't meet with people like you. I wondered what a woman like you is doing with two kids. You should care for yourself first in order to care for your kids. Look at the files in your hands" he said.  I held the files and flipped through the pages and I saw a red circles in my mistakes. That's when it hit me. I now realized my mistakes.

"Sir, I can fix this, I'm really sorry. I don't what came over" I said pleadingly. He really thinks I have kids and I'm incompetent. Does he even know me?

"You don't deserve this job, you know, others will kill for this spot you're in. You know, I actually had this backache. All thanks to your clumsiness. I had to rectify and finish the presentation because it was due this morning." he glared at me. Trust me if looks could kill, I'll be dead by now. I already started crying, he called me clumsy. I needed this job. I really do. I really don't want to go back to my life before. I went down on my knees and started crying. I knew how this job changed my life.

"I'm sorry, Sir, please give me another chance. I really need this job. You might think I don't deserve it, but I need it. I'll rectify my mistakes right away,Sir". I said between my tears. I managed to stand on my feet to make a turn to leave but he stopped me when he spoke.

"There's no need, are you deaf or stupid?  I just said I rectified the mistakes already. You're not needed here. You may take your leave" he said firmly and almost yelling. What's wrong? Its just a mistake. No one's perfect. I guess not in his dictionary.

"Please, I beg of you, Sir.  Give me a second chance" I pleaded.

"Your presence is no longer needed here" he said. I managed to move because my legs felt numb. I took my leave. I went to my desk to grab my keys, phone and my bag. I turned around to see Ameenah. I couldn't even speak to her because I knew I'll cry again. She consoled me.

"I'm sorry, Rabiah. It's just so hard to impress Omar, and he hates mistakes" she said. Thank God, she knew what happened.

"I know, I didn't know what got over me. I guess I'm still mourning my parents. I miss them everyday" I said to her still in tears. This is true. I still remember my parents everyday.

"Rabiah, you need to let go." she said. She saw me off to the entrance of Omar's and engulfed me in an embrace saying

"I'll come visit". I hopped into my car. I drove home. When I got home, I ran to my room and locked the door. I cried my heart out again. When I closed my eyes, I saw my parents smiling at me in a white room. It felt so real. I felt like they were asking me to come because Mom's fingers were calling me. I ran to the kitchen looking desperate. I didn't know what came over me. I grabbed a knife and cut myself on my palm. My eyes were closing. I felt at peace. I had no worries. I saw my parents again smiling at me but this time, I didn't see them in the white room like I did before. Rather, I felt like I was in the white room. I felt my body on something comfortable and heard some monitor sounds. I tried comprehending what was going on until I heard a voice crying...

"Will she be alright? " That must be Safia's voice. But, why is she crying?  And what does she mean? I opened my eyes. I looked around me and saw I was in the hospital with bags of IV running through my hands and a monitor by my side.

"Safia". I called her. I saw Aunt Ameenah, Abdullah and Safia. They were all worried. I could tell from their faces.

"Subhanallah, Rabiah, you scared us all, don't ever do that again" Aunt Ameenah said. What does she mean? I tried recalling past events and I did. Ya Allah, I tried killing myself after I lost my job. Astarghfirullah!!!

"When I got to the kitchen. I saw you on the floor and---" she couldn't complete her sentence because she started crying. "I'm sure your parents thinks I'm not good enough. I neglected my duties" she continued after a pause and sobbing.

"No, Aunt, , I'm sorry I did this. I lost my job. I saw Mom and Dad and I didn't know what came over me. I just did ha - I'm sorry,Aunt. I'm sorry, Abdullah. I'm sorry, Safia" I said to them. I really meant it. I hated hurting my family. They're all I've got.

"I won't give you a cause for alarm. I promise it'll never happen again. I'm so sorry" I said crying. I really regret what I did.

"When can we leave? " I asked. I really hate hospitals.

"Tomorrow, hopefully!" Aunt Ameenah replied. We heard a knock on the door.

"Come in, I'm sure that's Ameenah. She called you and I told her what happened" Aunt Ameenah said. "She's been coming to visit you now and then" Aunt Ameenah added. Ameenah opened the door and walked in with a bouquet of flowers which reads...

"Get Well Soon, Rabiah"

"Ah, thanks Ameenah. I really didn't mean for this to happen. I'm really sorry I made you worry"  I said to her.

"It's okay, Rabiah. Alhamdulillah, you're alright now. That's what's important right now" she said smiling.

"Thank you" I smiled at her too.

Tomorrow finally came. Aunt Ameenahs came to my hospital ward. I was really glad I'm leaving the hospital and I won't be coming back, Insha Allah. We drove home. On getting home, I quickly performed Wu'du and pray Solat Zuhr and so did everyone - Ameenah, Aunt Ameenah, Abdullah,  and Safia.

          ✴✴✴✴✴✴✴ Today, I visited a Rehabilitation center, Orphanage School and the hospital in my school(ABU,Zaria)... I wonder how the orphans managed to smile, it really touched my heart. Those at the hospital too had a smile on their faces. It's really made me know how lucky I am!!!  Alhamdulillah!!!

Just because you're going through a hard time doesn't mean Allah doesn't see,  Allah sees!!  He'll never give us a burden we can't bear.

Alhamdulillah!! Please, don't think of taking your lives. Allah knows what's best for us all. He will never abandon you.

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