(( °Chapter 32° ))

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Publishing this because today is my elder brother's birthday.

September, 26th, September, 2017.

Wishing him all his heart desires and long life with good health. Insha Allah.  Aamin!!

Rabiah's POV

I walked into my room with tears running down my cheeks. I rushed towards my room to take a cold shower. I let a sigh escape my lips. I wrapped a towel around my wet body after the shower. I grabbed my PJ's(pyjamas) and wore them after doing my routine with my skin. I immediately went to bed. I don't want to think about the party and thanks to Allah I was taken by darkness after I told Amna "Good night". Yeah,she came back.

Hours later. Its morning. I felt it. The sun shone on my face. The birds chirping to a lovely song. Amna shook me to wake me up for Solat. I quickly got up and went to pray and then went back to bed. I know I was forgetting something. I just can't remember.

" You look sad. What's wrong?" Amna inquires looking at me from the edge of the bed.

"I'm fine" I lied.

"You know,I just met you but I can tell something's wrong,girl" she says sitting up. I then got up too.

"Just sad. Omar didn't call at all. Doesn't he love me anymore? Did he now realise that we were worlds apart?" I say thinking and then I continued "Did he believed the photo Fareedaht must have showed him? I'm aching here. I miss him" I tell her in tears lying down on her legs while she pat my back.

"Its okay. I did tell him what conspired between you and Fareedaht. I don't know why he hasn't called. Its okay. I'm here for you'' she says trying to console me and continuing to pat my back. It helped.

" Thank y--" I was cut off when someone barged into my room.

"Abdul's Game!!! And hold up! What's going on here?" Sabriina barged in. Oh my God. I forgot Abdul's game is today. That's what I couldn't remember. Damn! She then looked at me and then the Muslim Girl.

"What's wrong? Is that tears? Who's she? Are you backstabbing our friendship?" She bombards me with questions and dropped her bag on the sofa and hopped on the bed like a toad to embrace me. Amna then told her everything while she kept on consoling me.

"She's deranged,I tell you" Sabriina says. Just on cue,my Mom(Aunt Ameenah) walked in

"I said the same thing too" she said making us all laugh.

"Who does that? That's unfair" Sabriina says to my Aunt.

"True. I wanted giving her a beating of her life but she and Safia stopped me" Mom said pointing at me earning a laugh from both girls.

"Its Abdul's Game. We'll leave today. Are you going to get ready?" My Aunt says inquiring. I then nodded answering her.

"And Bilal's outside" she said before taking her leave.

"Yeah,we came together" Sabriina added. Amna and Sabriina got along. We're like a triangle now. A squad. We then got ready for Abdul's Game after Amna called in sick at work and pleaded to come along because she hasn't watched soccer before. Thankfully,she has a visa and all.

We packed some clothes,and every necessities. After two hours,we were all ready. Some of us had coffee,tea with toasted bread or eggs while Safia alone had pancakes. Why? She made me remember Omar. Does he still eat pancakes? I miss him. After eating in the dining and conversing in the living room,we then took our leave for the airport after locking the gates. We called for a taxi and here we come UCLA. Abdul!

Omar's POV

I woke up this morning with a massive headache. When I got home,I went to the wine cellar and I did something Haram. May Allah forgive me. I went for alcoholic drinks. The picture in my hand froze the blood in my vein. She was there with her floral veil as always looking extremely gorgeous. And he just sat there admiring her looking her in an ''I want you back" way. He is handsome and his smile is amazing too. But why? I was hurt. I needed the pain to go away.

I love her. She's amazing. Rabiah Sameer Sadeeq is everything I have and want.  But why? Why will she do this? Why hide the fact that Bilal was and still is around? Does she still have lingering feelings for Bilal? He was her first love and childhood best friend,its possible,right? If she had told me,I'll be proud and tell Fareedaht to the face that she's not what she think she is.

Fareedaht finally packed her bags and left. I'm now alone in my apartment. I was snapped out of my train of thoughts when my phone rang. Ahhhh, I got up from the bed and walked to the dressing table to grab my phone. Abubakar.

"Salam,man" I greeted returning to the bed.

"Are you okay? You sound depressed" he asked showing concern and worry.

"Yes,I am okay. Just,you know,man" I tell him. I am not okay. I miss her. Her voice. Her eyes. Her smiles. Her face. Her everything.

"Rabiah,right?" He asks the known. I nodded forgetting he's not her with me.

"Yes" I quickly say honestly.

"Man,I heard from Amna the whole story. Sorry for intruding but I don't think she wanted hiding Bilal from you. Maybe she completely forgot to tell you. It happens man.
Have you even called to let her explain?" He asks. I can't help but feel he's right.

"I haven't ever since the party. Its two days today. I don't know what to believe after Fareedaht showed me some pictures" I tell him finally lying down on the bed.

"You should believe Rabiah. And what pictures?" He says. Should I believe her?

"Pictures of Rabiah and the other guy,Bilal having breakfast. They were sharing a moment of sadness and then laughter. She smiled at him,man" I say to him.

He had the " I miss you" and "I want you" looks" I added clenching my fists to the sheets on the bed. It hurts remembering what I tried to forget. Was she happy around Bilal? I make her happy,right? I don't even know anymore. I think I need time and space to know my true feelings.

He laughs "Look,man. Its just breakfast. You didn't see her kissing him or seeing her in bed" he tells me. My mind couldn't help but picture that moment. It hurts a thousand times to see anyone kiss what's mine. I don't want to ever go through that again. It hurts a million times.

"Amna has male friends too. She smiles and laughs with them. But I know she's mine. Its normal to have breakfast with an opposite sex and at that,he's her childhood friend and first love" he says making sense.

"He's her ex,man" I say to him.

"You're jealous,dude. She's got you whipped. She chose you. She loves you. When I met her,she looks at you that way. No one needs to tell you how special she is. She is special I tell you if you need a reminder" he says. This is the truth. She loves me. She chose me.

"Get your act together and get your woman before your fear comes reality. He'll get your woman" he says making me get up from the bed to walk and begin to pace back and forth around my room.

"What do you mean?" I inquire.

"Bilal followed her for Abdul's game. UCLA. Anna's there with them. Bilal asked if he could join. And since he's like family,she agreed to it" he answers. I completely forgot about the game. I remember Rabiah telling me.

"Go! Have an airport moment" he added. No.

"No. I guess I'll have to wait for her. What's mine will be mine. Insha Allah." I tell him meaning it. I don't need to start flying to another country for the love of my life. This is not "On the wings of love" where James Reid and Nadine Lustre went from  Philippines to New York and back and forth to fight for their love. She'll be back. I'll be here waiting for her.

"She will be back safe. Insha Allah" I added.

"Aamin. I hope so,man" he says.
"Do you wanna gym?" He inquires. I think I'll do that. It'll take things off my mind.

"Yeah,dude. See you at 9" I tell him before hanging up.

Who's watched "On the wings of love"?  I love that season movie like craaaaazy. James Reid is so much goals!!!

AHHHHH. I'm screaming right now!

Happy Birthday,Bro!!!


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