Chapter 14: Lashing Out

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            It didn’t take us long to travel back to their home. It was the same one I had come across them in before, so a tour of the house was unnecessary.

            Both Esme and Alice were thrilled beyond words at the prospect of being able to redecorate one of the rooms, even if it was a possibility that I wasn’t staying permanently. They were kind enough to let me have a say as well.

            One of the first things I had been asked about – as expected – was my change. I had told them that whoever it was had not meant it to make me happy when I was Marie, but they wanted more details. I eliminated all questions by simply stating the name Victoria. It was quite amusing to see Carlisle’s face form a very obvious ‘o’, but I made sure the subject was closed.

            They tried to ask me more questions about my life as a vampire, but they had heard the most important details. I didn’t need to inform them that my life had held absolutely no joy for me.

            It wasn’t until my second day living with them that I made one of my greatest mistakes. I was using the shower, enjoying warmth of the water. Alice had set out clothes for me, but when I went to dress in them I saw a problem.

            Victoria had attempted to torture me during my change. She bit me up and down my arms, leaving an – quite surprisingly – aesthetically pleasing pattern of scars from the venom. The shirt Alice had provided for me was short-sleeved and I was by no means prepared to go into the specifics of my change with any of the Cullens quite yet.

            I sighed, putting on the outfit anyways, knowing I could simply change into something that covered better. As I searched my new room for a sweater or anything that would cover my arms, I felt a presence behind me.

            Spinning around, I was shocked to see that Alice, the bouncing hyper-active vampire, had managed to sneak up on me. She was eyeing my curiously, obviously slightly offended I was searching for something besides what she had left out for me. Unfortunately I had yet to find anything to cover my arms – Alice had apparently not believed I needed anything long-sleeved – and Alice’s eyes were quick.

            “Wha—Bella? What’s on your….? JASPER!”

            My eyes went wide, wondering why on earth she would call for her husband. I stood stalk still, feeling like a deer caught in the headlights as I saw Jasper come to stand next to his wife.

Out of the corner of my eye I miraculously saw something resembling a sleeve. I snatched the article of clothing and pulled on the sweater, hoping that I would be able to deflect questions. One look at Jasper’s face told me there was going to be no chance of that and that he knew exactly what those scars were.

“Bella…” Jaspers voice was calm and composed while both his and Alice’s eyes were wide. “How did you get those scars?”

My mind scrambled for an explanation and I tried the best thing that might make sense. “You know how many fights I’ve been in.” I hoped desperately they would forget the fact that they had witness one of my fights and knew I had come out of it unscathed. I was not that lucky though.

“But you have your barrier; no one can even touch you in a fight. How did you get those scars Bella?”

I cursed myself for allowing Alice to pick out my outfit, for not closing my door, and for stupid vampire super-observational ability. Straightening up to my full height, I prayed they would let this drop.

“I already told you my change was not pleasant.” If possible they’re eyes seemed to grow in size. Obviously this had not been the answer they had been expecting, who would?

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