Episode 15: Secret

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I leave Adriana and my sister shopping and head to the gym on the opposite side of the mall. This is the first time I came to this mall. The place's far bigger than I'm accustomed too. And most of the people are dressed in brand names clothes. Hopefully Jasmine won't use up my six-hundred one a single pair of jeans.

Much to my surprise the gym smells like flowers, a smell similar to the fields of Alta Luna. They must have one of the new ventilation systems installed.

"Welcome," one of the ladies at the counter says. "I don't think that I've seen you before."

"That's because I'm new here." I show her the pass that was included in the papers that the mysterious boy from the game store had given me.

The lady smiles. "Ahh, so you're one of the beta players. If you don't mind could you fill out this survey once you're done? It's for the company developing the game." She hands me a compact booklet and a three page survey. "Feel free to enjoy any of the services that we have to offer during your stay."

"Thanks," I say.

Wow they're awfully nice here. I walk past the now open gate and take in all that it has to offer. The first place is a weights room but that isn't for me. I take a turn to the right and see a room filled with various treadmills. Eh, not for me. Alright, I dislike exercise!

Finally, I come to a stop upon arriving to the last room in this side of the hall— A nearly empty dojo. I open the door slowly, careful to not alert the only other person in the room.

The person however stops swinging and turns to look at me with cold, dark eyes. The person is rather pretty, for a guy. I mean he has long eyelashes and smooth which most girls would be envious of. Though I also have said smooth skin.

He wipes the sweet off his brow with the sleeve of his ki.

"Hello," I say, waving.

He turns his back to me and resumes swinging his sword up and down in a steady rhythm. The way he moves is reminiscent of Tae-young's movements.

"You're pretty good at this."

The boy sighs and stops again. "Need something?" he asks coolly.

I fidget. "Sorry. I'll show my way out."

He closes his eyes and leans against the wall. "You interrupt me and now you wish to flee? What kind of man are you?"

What does he expect me to do? Duel him? Wait, could that be it?

"Wanna spar?" I ask.

He straightens his back and smiles slightly. "Perhaps you aren't a coward after all."

Oh, no I am. But I also got my pride to uphold!

"Of course I'm not!" I say, grinning.

He throws me a sword and places one front in front of him. "Come on me then!"

I take a step back before charging at him. He blocks my sword and flings it toward the ceiling where it gets stuck.

"Crud, this guy's skills are about the same as Tae-youngs." I move to the side, barely missing his sword's tip. The guy flashes me an impish smile as he swings his sword at my side. The sword stops only a few millimeters from touching me before finally poking me lightly.

"One point for me." He reaches a hand up and leaps into the air, pulling down my wooden sword. "Here ya go."

"You sure you want to continue?" I ask.

"Of course I do. Your movements are reminiscent of someone I know. I'll like to see how well you'll match up to him."

"This person must be rather impressive."

He scoffs. "Not really. But I'm certain that with some training he could match the kid who defeated him at least."

The poor guy lost to a kid too? Ouch.

The guy snickers. "You sort of remind me of that guy in other ways too."

I gulp. "Uh. The kid or the one who lost?"

He put a hand on his hip and turned around. "The one who lost."

"Really?" Oh great... can he see through me? Does he know that I'm a loser just like this guy?

The handsome young man nods. "Yeah. He made reactions similar to you."

I grumble. At least that was it and not the whole loser part.

"You also tend to zone out," he said, poking my forehead.

My face reddens. Rin isn't the only one who dislikes being treated like a kid. "Stop that! Don't poke me."

He steps back, a cynical grin similar to Tae-young's.

"You sort of remind me of someone too. Well two people actually, " I respond.

The boy comes to a stop. "Really?"

"Yeah. There were these girl who..."

He narrows his eyes. "Girls?"

Is he taking this as an insult? Sure hope not. Because if so then he needs to meet Tae-young and Alla. "Yeah. There's one who had a calm demeanor like you. And another who was as skilled with the sword. Though I only met them in a virtual world, so not sure if they act or are that strong in real life." Though Lua did mention that our real life skills impacts our in-game techniques and talents.

The guy's eyes widen. "Are you one of the beta testers of Heaven's Sword?"

"Yeah. You know about it? Were you one of the beta testers too?"

The young man turns and reaches his hand for the door knob. "I got to go now. See you later, Manuel."

"Wait, how do you know...?" He's already halfway down the hall before I can finish. "Who is that guy?"


"You're back home early," brother says when I enter the top floor of the game store. His reddish eyes scanned my face. "You alright? You seem as if you just saw a phantom."

I pant. "I met..." So that girl he was with was Adriana. "I met the boy whom you gave the ice skill to."

"Manuel?" His eyes widened. "Did he find out that you're...?"

I shake my head. "No. He doesn't seem to suspect who I am. I... I'm going to go take a shower."


I run off into the bathroom tucked in the far right corner of the semi-circular room. The first thing I see is a mirror that covers the upper half of the eight foot wall. But the face and body I see is that of a guy... not a girl.


Several days passed since Manuel met the real me. This time I accompanied my brother to greet the beta players.

"Need help?" I ask a girl in a wheelchair. She smiles and nods. My face flushed. "Al... alright." I lift her up from her chair and set her down into the pod. I take as step back as it closes and watch the pod next to her. Manuel's. "See you two soon."

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