Chapter 15: Alone

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Chapter 15~

Things seemed the same, lately. Nothing was really different. Although school seemed a lot more different then the rest. I was constantly looked at strangely. Everyone knew that Travis and I were together. But I've been getting weird stares. I found myself confused by it, because normally  I didn't get this much attention... Wheither this is good attention or bad, it didn't matter.

When I was talking to Cathy, she seemed scared or confused. Something was definitely off. I just wasn't sure what. "So, what's going on?" I asked her, sitting beside her in the hall.

"Huh? Oh nothing." She looked up and back down to her book.

"Sure..." I stood up and left. 

I decided I needed to find Travis or the guys. They might have an idea of what's going on. I wonder if something happened with Greg and Cathy? I honestly have no idea. I managed to find Greg and the guys. They were grouped up in a huddle and looked worried by the gym doors.

"Hey guys!" I skipped over to them. They all looked at me and looked scared of me. I didn't know what I had done... if anything. "Um... what's going on?" I stopped in my tracks, I was so worried now.

"Ah hey Riley, it's not really a good time... um... game stuff. Catcha later!" Greg waved and they all walked quickly away.

Somehow I feel like the old me again. Alone and unwanted. Hated and fading into the shadow once again. So maybe Travis was going to dump me? I don't get it. We are mates so I don't think that's it. But... what if it is?! No no... it can't be. I haven't seen him around though... I wonder if he's avoiding me... No no... impossible. This sucks! Why can't people tell me what's going on!

I ran out of the school. I wasn't taking this anymore. I'm not letting myself go through this anymore. I'm not going become the shadow once again. I am Riley Newson! I am my own person! I will not let people forget me. I will make my own statement. I will fight those Canines. I will do it on my own. Or I'll die fighting.

I shifted and ran straight through the field. All 4 legs pounding on the heavy and hot sement. I ran until I crossed a road, avoiding cars. I don't care if they  see me anymore. I ran straight into the forest area. The conservation area would do perfect. I ran and ran deeper into the unknown area with no paths. No one comes here anymore, they don't find nature interesting. Stupid technology. It's messed everyone and everything up.

I found a sturdy enough tree and ran straight into. Head on. I wanted to feel the pain. I smacked into it and the tree trunk cracked in the middle. I shook off my head and layed down. I looked down at my black paws. Without this life I wouldn't have Travis. But without this life, I would be safe. But without this life... I would be nobody again. My eyes started to close, but I smelt something I didn't want too.

The Canines.

I stood up quickly. Hackles raised. Teeth baring and snarling. My growl was loud and deep from the pit of my stomach. Eyes round and glaring straight at those 5 men that attacked me the first time. 3 were shifted and 2 were human form. The human ones glared at me with a grin. Somehow sneaking a hint of evil in a harse laugh.

"Come on Riley, let's make this easy." The one stood with a deep voice. He would be my first prey. I looked both ways. The wolves wouldn't expect it, fast enough to react. I jumped. I laughed straight on the guy as he struggled and I quickly gripped his neck and snapped it. Instantly dead. I jumped off and landed on the next man, who tried running. 

"Help!" He yelled and screamed. I grabbed the back of his neck and snapped. Dead. I jumped off and looked at the wolves. They were coming at me and fast. I decided I would run this one out. I ran and ran, avoiding tree's and bushes. Tripping on roots that are uprooted. I could hear their paws slam behind me as I ran as fast as I could. I wasn't going to fail this time.

I ran out of the conservation area, still with them hot on my tail. I avoided cars, while the screached to a stop with the other 3 behind me. I decided to run back to the school. I noticed that the boys were lightly playing football, way before I even reached the school property. I looked behind me, the one wolf jumped and I jumped too. Dodging him quickly as I rolled.

I finally got to the school field. They were still behind me! Would they ever leave? I barked 6 times, as loud as I could. I then howled as loud as I could as I ran. I noticed that Cathy was sat on the stands. She stood up and looked scared. I had to lose these wolves or they were going to kill her. 

"GREG!" She yelled as loud as she could, jumped of the bleachers as I ran straight for them. I ran faster and jumped and landed fasting them. I stood in the middle of the bleachers and snarled at them. I noticed the guys changed and started running straight to us. I was then attacked. I was knocked backwards straight of the bleachers. The wolf weighted a ton as he landed straight on me. He then bit into my arm and it started bleeding. He turned when he noticed the other wolves were dead. That's when he jumped off and shifted.

"Check your poor Travis, Riley." He snired and shifted. Ran as fast as he could away from the school. I shifted and noticed my arm was bleeding a lot. So I covered it with my sleeve to cover the bit mark. Cathy ran up to me with the rest of the guys.

"Riley! What just happened?!" Cathy squelled at me. I jumped up and backed away from them, holding my arm.

"Tell me why you guys are avoiding me first." I demanded. Cathy stopped and looked at Greg. She has a worried face, so did the guys. "And where's Travis?!" I said louder.

Greg stepped forward, "Riley... Travis was hit by a car."

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