34: Joke Me Something Awful Just Like Kisses on the Necks of "Best Friends"

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Joe's idea of finding a new drummer was a craigslist ad.

Which, when Pete and Patrick learned of this, they both freaked out.

Yet, Joe being the master lurker he was, figured out this guy wasn't a catfish and went to a school in the neighboring district. They'd set up a day to meet, and settled on just carpooling in Patrick's car to see how this guy would react.

The Saturday they were supposed to meet, Pete made his way to Patrick's house and went through the open door and nearly died on the spot.

He was slightly weirded out when he approached (albeit slightly late) Joe and Patrick, almost having flashbacks to when he was in the closet watching them fuck (no matter how good anyone said that was, it was horrific). Patrick's eyes were shut, and Joe was sucking on his exposed collarbone. The smaller boy had moaned softly, and Joe moved up to his neck.

The soccer player quickly left and decided to come back announced this time.

He'd thought they were best friends, and that was that, but maybe he was wrong. Maybe they were fuck buddies too or something, he didn't know.

Still, he knocked on the door and by the time he was back inside, they were off each other.

"You ready to go?" Pete inquired, glancing back out. The response had been a solid yes, and the three left for the mall.

They were meeting up in Hot Topic with their new drummer (because where else do you meet someone when you're doing music with them), and it was an interesting sight to Andrew Hurley to see two small boys- one looking like a creampuff and the other trying to look punk- and Joe entering the store, and he was slightly amused. 

Of course, Andy was obviously their drummer even from far away. Even though he had glasses, he also shoulder-length off-red hair, a labret piercing, and several tattoos on his arms. He was browsing heavy metal shirts, which was greatly amusing. The three approached him, Joe nudging Patrick since he was next to him.

"Hey, dude. This is Patrick and Pete." He smiled at Andy, who turned and adjusted the glasses on his nose. Joe, though, continued. "Guys, this is Andy. The one I found on craigslist."

"I still don't agree with the fact you looked on fucking craigslist, but if it produces someone decent that isn't also a child molester, I'm okay with it." Pete shrugged, looking between them all. "You're the one going to Chicago for college too, right?"

Andy nodded. "Yeah, University of Chicago."

"So am I! For their law program! What about you?!" 

All of a sudden, Pete was really into Andy. Patrick shared a look with Joe, and the two started looking through the shirts on clearance. They'd be moving soon anyways, and it'd be better to get cheap (but new) clothes.

"How'd you get into their law program?!"

"My dad pulled some strings with my application. He's...sorta up there."

"That's actually pretty cool- I'm going in to major in history, I think, but also maybe philosophy? I might be able to find something else, I dunno. We'll see." Andy grinned. "It's really cool that we're all going to Chicago together, you guys must really believe in this band."

"I really do, at least," Pete answered, starting to go through shirts. "Plus, my dad runs a record label. I dunno if he would sign us, but even if I just contact someone else in the industry, they'd probably recognize the last name and at least get some interest." 

"So, if I were to stick with you guys, we'd actually have a viable chance at success?" 

"Potentially, yeah."

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