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      I was sitting in science class staring into space. What can I say? I really haven't ever liked science  anyways and I think Mr.Chase is a real flipping jerk. Besides, what even is quantum whatever and who cares? I have enough stuff to worry about without needing to know this too.

      Anyways, I felt weird. I'd felt weird all week, but really weird right then. And I realized. Somebody was watching me. Looking at me.


      I continued to keep calm and ignored it, trying to lose myself in my head, but this person was really flipping staring at me!  What was wrong with me? Was my hair sticking up? Did I suddenly get a bunch of zits? Did I grow boobs?!?!

      I looked at my chest and ran my fingers though my hair and over my face. No, no, no. What then?

      I finally looked up, thinking maybe they were distracted because I wasn't paying attention. I looked up at Mr.Chase, a really ugly, really fat man, with little to no hair and a gross mustache. 

      I tried my hardest to look interested and focused and then I saw him pause in his droning on of the lesson. His gaze sweeped over the class. It settled on a boy and he made his way over to him. 

      The boy's name was Lukas. I knew that. I also got the feeling he was the one that had been watching me. Mr.Chase was looking down at him condescendingly and he asked him,"Mr.Becker can you tell me what Heisenburg's theory was and why it was so important to advancing our knowledge on quantum mechanics?"

      Lukas started sputtering, trying to answer. His face was red and I thought it was kind of adorable. He had dark brown hair- practically black it was so dark- so he didn't seem like the type to blush so bright. I watched him, feeling genuinely sorry. I decided I should probably forgive him for staring at me, because he was obviously suffering on account of it enough. Besides, it probably means he likes me. Nobody  stares without a good reason.

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