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      I was excited to get to school the next day but I was also mildly exhausted as well. The reason being I had stayed up talking to Finn via text for quite a while into the night. I learned a lot more abbreviations for things and faces you could make with simple symbols on your phone and memes than I ever thought could even exist. It was amazing. I really had a friend!

      I was so happy and tired that I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking and my sneaker bumped into a huge crack in the cement. I flew forward and caught myself with my hands but my knees hurt and my hands were badly scrapped and bloody. I rolled back so that I was sitting and pulled my knees to my chest and then I examined my palms.

     I winced, I had gotten gravel and dirt into the scrapes on my hand and that was definitely  not sanitary. I went searching through my backpack; I always kept some alcoholic wipes in my bag that would help clean out all the grit.

      My hands hurt anytime they brushed against something and even when they didn't. Finally, I found the wipes. I tore one open and sat there, cleaning my hands of grime. I winced because it stung quite a lot but I knew that meant it was working.

      When I got back up, I was careful not to let my excitement stop me from being cautious about sidewalk cracks as I walked the rest of the way to school.


      In science class, I kept glancing at Finn and hoping he would look back, I don't know why. Even if he did, it's not like we could talk to one another. Mr.Chase was talking about something that seemed irrelevant to me. I really wasn't paying attention at all.

      Someone said something funny and the whole class was an uproar of laughter and Finn finally looked back at me. He was smiling, ever so slightly, like he expected me to laugh at the joke too. Honestly I hadn't even heard it. I smiled anyways.


      When I got home my mom and dad were arguing. Well, more like my dad was yelling and my mom was standing there quietly looking like she's kill him if she could. I mumbled that I was gonna get a shower and I grabbed my towel, threw my backpack in my room, and headed for the bathroom.

      I started running the water even before I was undressed. I didn't wanna hear. For a minute, I buried my head in my sweater, blocking the noise of their fight further. Then, I slipped into the hot water. It was practically boiling me alive but I didn't mind so much.

      I winced as my skinned hands and bruised knees touched the water. Okay I minded it being so hot then.

      I had seen Finn at lunch and we'd chatted as he ate his peanut butter and jelly sandwich, which I felt was overall childish but also funny. He wasn't as mean in real life as he was via text. Although, he wasn't mean  persay, he was just- oh.... I don't know, he just teased you a lot more when he knew he didn't have to look you in the eye about it.

      He was so shy and awkward I thought he must be scared of me or something, but every once in a while, he'd have a sarcastic comment or a good comeback that would make me grin. And that would make him grin too.

      I thought about how he didn't smile often, and if he did it was usually a small thing you'd miss if you looked away for a second at the wrong time. But when he did smile, really and truly, it made me happy. It made me feel all fluttery and glad that I'd done something to make him genuinely happy.

      I was smiling now, listening to the water running noisily.

      I decided I really wanted Finn to be happy, I wanted to see him smile more.

~+~+~+~+~+ Sorry this chapter was kind of short. I'm really busy and also I want to update frequently, instead of leaving you guys in the dark forever. ~+~+~+~+~+

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