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      The party was loud, crowded, and chaotic; even from the outside. People were everywhere outside. Honestly, I've been to a lot of Kaya's parties but never before had they been this crazy. I could feel Finn freaking out beside me and he wasn't even saying anything. I was really nervous, I didn't want to upset him or anything but I mean- we were already here.

      The door was wide open when we made our way up the porch steps. Inside, people were all crowded together dancing or talking, the lights were off (with the exception of a cool lazer-light machine thingy Kaya got for her birthday last year), and loud music was playing, drowning out all other sound.

       I looked at Finn,"If this is too much we can-" but I stopped because I didn't think he could even hear me.

      He seemed mostly okay, he looked scared but didn't say anything and didn't look like he was having a panic attack so I figured he was okay-ish. I walked in, letting him follow. Kaya found us immediately. She just kind of appeared before us.

      "OMG! I'M SO GLAD YOU COULD MAKE IT!" Leave it to Kaya to be so loud she sounded like she was screaming even above this noise. I tried to reply but she ushered me and Finn farther into the living room. People were sitting on the couch shoving each other and drinking. I don't know if it was beer, I assumed but never checked. If that was true, when did Kaya move from Coca Cola and Pepsi to alcohol?

      Speaking of Kaya, I don't know where she went. I'd been following her but now she was gone and so was Finn. I swore under my breath. I wondered where he was and worried about him having a panic attack and not knowing what to do. I hoped he was okay and I started looking around.

        I must have been looking for him for a long time and I guess it was from the body heat of everyone here, but I felt like I was suffocating and I had the urge to take off my sweatshirt and my scarf and beanie. Why had I brought them? I wished I didn't have my glasses on, it'd be better to wear contacts at Kaya's house. What does that have to do with suffocating? I dunno. It's just what I was thinking as I contemplated discarding my pesky items of clothing. I swear, I've lost more pairs of glasses at Kaya's house than anywhere. The ratio is a whopping 5:0. Really.

      I spotted Finn for half a second but then I bumped into someone as I attempted to get to him. It was a girl. She was popular, I had seen her at school. I didn't know her name because she seemed uninteresting and vaguely like every girl I had ever met, but she was pretty I guess. And that's why everyone else knew her.

      She had tan skin and a couple freckles on her nose and dark eyes and hair that was always in flattering ringlets. Definitely pretty. But I also didn't ever consider her presence ever so who cares?

      The girl however, seemed to consider my  presence.

      "Hey," she smiled,"I've seen you around school." She was awfully close, perhaps because I wouldn't hear her any other way but perhaps because she was attracted to me. Probably the latter. Which was weird. You'd think an outgoing girl like her would have said something if that was true but I supposed I was mildly attractive so there was a chance it was true.

      "Oh yeah. I've seen you too." I replied, trying to dodge her nonchalantly.

      She smiled and I felt her hand brush against mine. Yes, I supposed it was  the latter. "Oh really? You don't know my name, do you?"

      I shrugged,"No, I'm quite an introvert." I replied, tensing slightly when she placed a hand on my shoulder.

      "It's Mackenzie." She replied, letting her other hand grip my shoulder as well,"And who might you be?"

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