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      Finn and his parents offered me breakfast when everyone woke up but I ended up refusing, saying it was kind of them but that I really needed to get home or else my parent's would be upset. It occurred to me that I hadn't texted them, but they also didn't seem to care. So why should I?

      I was incredibly tired still by the time I got to my house. I knocked to the door, it was about 8:30 so I figured my mom was up. Sure enough, she opened the door, standing there in her bath robe with a cup of hot coffee.

      "Lukas? Why are you home so soon? I figured you'd want to hang out with Kaya." She stepped aside and allowed me inside.

     "I don't like Kaya that much mom, she's annoying and anyways she was having a party. I hardly got any sleep. People were there until like 6 am."

      My mom frowned,"Really, that late?"

      "Yes, that late." I yawned to make my point, which wasn't hard because I was exhausted.

      She sighed,"Well, I would have hoped you'd have more fun."

      "Me too." I was slowly making my way to my bedroom, feeling the sudden craving to read a book.

      "Come here," she told me,"I made breakfast and your father isn't here to complain about the toast being wheat bread. Come eat with me."

      I agreed and sat at the table with my mother, she kept attempting to start up a conversation. I didn't really know what to say though so her attempts were all for nought.

      Finally, she asked,"Did you have even a little bit of a good time?" She seemed really sad.

      "Yeah." I replied, partly out of guilt, partly because I did have a good time, just not at Kaya's.

      "Oh good." She didn't say anything after that. Just swirled her spoon around her coffee and ate her toast in silence.

      When I finished my food, I got up. "I'm tired, I'm gonna go take a nap."

     She didn't look up,"Okay."

     I felt mildly guilty but also thought to myself that it was her fault. She had always pushed me away and hurt my feelings and now she was making me feel like it was my fault for not wanting to be around her, which wasn't fair. I closed the door to my room and curled up in bed, not bothering to change into pajamas or anything.

      I must have slept for hours. I woke up and it was almost sunset. And I was still tired. I got up, stretching and yawning, trying to shake sleep from my body. I looked down at my phone and saw I had a bunch of texts.

      I unlocked my phone, sitting on the edge of my bed, and checked my messages. I had one from my dad, some from Kaya, and a lot from a number I didn't recognize.


Dad[3:21am]: Heard you're still out so I went to look for you. Or at least tell mom that if she asks. Love you kiddo!


Kaya[12:03pm]: hey, sorry for texting you so late. wanted to see if you and fin were cool.

Kaya[12:10pm]: are you ignoring me

Kaya[12: 12pm]: omg did you die? am i gonna turn on the tv and see a picture of you after some hikers found you in the woods all slashed up like you were in <insert horror movie title here>?

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