Chapter Six

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A/N: Hey, guys - I'm sorry but I really don't like how I ended this chapter...I really ran out of ideas :( I hope you enjoy the first half, at least :p 



"Give it up, assholes! We can shoot an' kill every single one of ya!"

"Hand over your shit and no-one gets hurt!"

I was a frightened, whimpering mess in my dad's arms as he determinedly carried me to safety as fast as he could – gritting his teeth and sprinting across the camp and taking cover from all the invaders' bullets behind our buildings.

"Dad..." I whimpered, "w-why is this happening? Why are these people doing this to us..?"

"This world has driven loads of people nuts, Eric," he replied – sounding slightly out of breath since he was racing to avoid all the bullets, "people like these...they'd do anything to survive – even if it means turning on and hurting their own race."

"B-But the dead people hurt enough of us already...w-why would they hurt even more of us..?"

"They've become desperate...way too desperate to stay alive," he took me behind Liam's containment building and released me from his arms, "now, have to listen to me. I know this is hard, and I know that out of all the horrible things you've already seen in this world...this is undoubtedly the worst. But, I need you to..." he took a deep breath, "I need you to stay strong in this, yeah? No matter what happens."

"What...w-what does that mean..?" My eyes widened slightly, "W-What could happen, dad..?"

"Anything, Eric. Anything could happen in a situation like this," he looked me sincerely in the eyes, "and you have to be ready for that, mate. You don't have a choice."

"I...I th-think they've already...killed Niall...and Farlan...a-and even Mako..." I looked up at him fearfully, "a-am I gonna die too, dad..?"

"No way, buddy," he promised me, "I'm never gonna let that happen to you."

"Sid...Sid's gone too..." I felt my bottom lip tremble, " got Sid, daddy!"

"Oh, mate...I know," dad took me in his arms and hugged me tight, "I know, Eric...but we can't think about that now. That'll just slow us down. We have to think about each other, now. We have to focus on keeping each other safe."

"I...I'm glad mum's not here..." my voice broke slightly, "and Liam...and Harry and Laura...I-I hope they're OK. I hope their baby's OK, too..."

"Me too, Eric. Me too," he stroked my hair, "and if thinking about mum, Liam, Laura & Harry makes you feel better...then you keep on thinking about them, alright buddy?"

"OK...OK..." I sniffled and whimpered as we pulled away, "dad...y-you''re not gonna let these people kill you too, a-are you..?" I started chewing on my thumbnail as I looked up at him.

My dad lowered his eyes. "Eric...all I'm gonna say about that is..." he let out a long, shaky breath, "I'm gonna do whatever I have to do to keep you alive."

"But w-what does that mean?!" I cried.

"Eric, you're my son, and I love you more than anything else on this damn earth," he took hold of my shoulders and gave them a gentle squeeze, "and I would do anything...anything to protect you. Even if it means putting my own life on the line for you. That's what that means."

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