Chapter Two

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A/N: Wow, this was way longer than I wanted it to be, but oh well. I guess it makes up for the previous short chapter :p I tried to write this a bit differently as well...switching between present time and flashback. I'm still pretty new to that type of format - and I don't really like the ending, so I'm sorry if you don't think it's that good. But I tried my best. Tell me what you guys think.



"Hey, Froggy. Watcha drawing?"

"I'm drawing mummy & daddy!" Lilly replied with a beaming smile, "See! They're sitting on the couch to help me draw my picture!"

"Just mummy & daddy, huh?" I crossed my arms and pretended to sulk, "What, do you have no more love for your big brother?"

Lilly giggled. "You can be in it, Eric! And I'll draw me, too! I'll draw all of us!"

"I'm sure it'll be a gorgeous drawing munchkin," Laura smiled down at her warmly, "and daddy will pin it up on the wall in your bedroom when you're done."

"Will you, daddy?" Lilly asked Harry excitedly.

"Of course, princess. I'll be more than happy to hang it up for you," he replied with a chuckle.

"Oh, yay! I'll make it look really colourful and pretty!" Lilly said happily.

The rest of us couldn't help chuckling fondly at her bubbly demeanor – and the usual looks of pure, devoted love started spreading across Laura & Harry's faces as they watched Lilly sitting on the ground scribbling away.

However, the sound of distant gunshots suddenly started echoing in my ears – along with angry, indistinct shouting that did not sound good – and Harry, Laura & I immediately let out soft gasps.

"What the hell..?" Harry looked towards one of the front windows and frowned.

Lilly had heard the gunshots too, and she immediately looked up from her drawing with wide, curious eyes.

"What was that, daddy?" she asked quietly.

"Hang on, sweetheart. Just stay quiet for a moment please," Harry slowly rose to his feet and made his way over to the window so that he could peer through it gingerly, "what the heck is going on out there..?"

"D'you see anything, Haz?" Laura was starting to sound worried, "I-Is everything alright..?"

"Wait a minute..." Harry sounded like he was frowning, "shit. Vivienne's coming. I think something's wrong."

He rushed to the front door and opened it just in time for Vivienne to come running in – puffing and panting with her face & eyes expressing nothing but fear.

"Viv, what's wrong?" Laura asked her, "What's happening out there?"

" Harry..." she panted, "y-you have to take Eric and Lilly...a-and get them out of here now..."

"Why?" Harry asked worriedly, "Vivienne, what happened?"

"Th-They're here..." she whimpered, "we took too long...a-and now they're here to punish us..."

"Oh no..." Laura bit down on her bottom lip, "Harry..." she looked towards him fearfully, "w-what do we do..?"

The gunshots and the shouting became louder still. I was even starting to make out some of the things people were saying.

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