Chapter Fourteen

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A/N: It's finally here, guys!!! I KNOW I'M A TERRIBLE PERSON I'M SORRY.

But, just letting you know: the first part of this chapter is in third-person POV. I couldn't decide who's POV that part should be told from, so I just opted for third-person. The first-person thing is back after the first part.

Oh yeah. And one more thing, there is like half a (VERY SHITTY) smut scene in this chapter. I wanted to write a whole one but I changed my mind :P About the smut, though...I know that even though condoms can last a few years before they expire, they can't exactly last as long as the apocalypse has been going on. But this is fiction people so let's just pretend they last forever, 'kay? And besides...would you rather read about Haura having sex or be picky about the shelf-life of condoms?? :p

Oh, and by the way: please read my ending A/N when you finish this chapter. I have a lot to say to you guys.

"Martin. There's been a huge fucking ruckus around the place ever since last night. What the fuck is going on?"

His shivering right-hand man adjusted his glasses and gulped more than once before finally speaking to his oppressive leader.

"I-It's...i-it was Laura and Harry, sir," he replied quietly, " planned something last night..."

"Planned something?" Tanner's eyes began to narrow at him, "What the fuck do you mean?"

"I...I-I don't know how they did it, sir..." Martin gulped again, "but they...they..." he winced slightly – as he knew Tanner's reaction was not going to be pretty, "they...escaped, sir..."

"What?!" Tanner rose from his desk and glared at him, "Escaped?! They ESCAPED?! How the fuck did they get past all the guards?!" He demanded.

"A lot of the people who were on patrol last night...they're all d-dead, sir..." Martin stuttered, "N-Neil was patrolling the garage...a-and a stab to the lower back was his fatal hit. And the men patrolling the parking all got run down...b-by your trailer, sir. Th-That's how they escaped..."

"In my RV?! The fucking pissants got away in MY RV?!" Tanner was really fuming now.

"Y-Yes, sir. And...a-and with about seven bags of our supplies, as well..."

"Seven?!" Tanner exclaimed, "DAMN IT! YOU'RE ALL FUCKING USELESS!"

"B-But it's not all bad, Tanner..." Martin only just found the courage to point out, "th-they originally wanted to take eight bags, b-but they got caught, a-and they left one bag behind in their haste to g-get away..."

"Oh, WHOOP-DE-FUCKING-DO!" Tanner threw his arms up in exasperation, "FUCK!"

"Tanner...I-I'm sure we can track them down," Martin insisted, "i-if you let me give the order, I-I can have search parties scouting for them in all directions w-within the hour."

Tanner turned away from Martin with an angry grunt; forcing himself to take several deep breaths to calm himself down. After he'd composed himself, he turned back to the shuddering man.

"Hold on," he said, "what was in this bag that those two left behind?"

"W-We haven't checked yet, sir. B-But I can have the bag brought to you immediately, so you can take a look for yourself?"

"Yeah," Tanner immediately nodded, "do that."

Martin nodded back and hurried out of the leader's quarters. The leftover bag was brought to him and placed on his table within moments – with all of Tanner's main posse within the Ouroborons gathered curiously around him – intrigued to see what Laura and Harry had left behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2018 ⏰

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