Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 /or/ about jealousy, deals and ice queens

Matteo has been acting weird.

He has been avoiding her, or at least not trying to approach her like he had before this change. Something did happen and Luna has no idea what could it be, because they didn't even talk much that day before he stopped appearing close. Since then he has kept being different than she experienced him to be; he always walked around Blake and Roller like king of the universe, but now it's getting out of control. He keeps sending her looks, but not always she's answering them. They make her feel weird, worse, when his eyes stare straight into hers she can feel something inside her. Things that make her want to leave, because all she feels except her own worry is maybe a little anger? Disappointment?

It happens again just right now, she doesn't know where the source of these is, but as soon as she blinks they are gone and his softened earlier eyes are colder again. He sends her smirk through entire hallway and with a wink he turns away to his friends disappearing from her sight.

Luna is surprised as hell; it was actually nice with him, she's in Buenos Aires maybe three weeks and not counting last few days it was surprisingly good. He has been teasing her earlier, she can even say that lowkey flirting and now nothing, zero, except smirks, winks and brushes of hands when he's passing her.

She can only shrug it off not wanting to ask Nina or really anyone, questions she doesn't want to answer would start and she's still not ready for that. At least she has Simón now here, close and they can hang out like they used to in Mexico.

It's still unbelievable that he is here, here, he said he was bored in Cancun without her so what would he do except getting a plane and coming to Buenos Aires to hang out with her. He still has no idea that Matteo is the Matteo, but there wasn't proper moment to share the news with him yet.

Nina wakes her up from deep thoughts with small nudge. "What's with these looks?" she just asks watching Luna carefully.

"What looks?" Luna frowns, still not completely finding herself at the moment.

"These looks Matteo keeps giving here. Those saying that he wants to make out with you but it's better when he does it inside his head." Nina whispers not wanting anyone to hear that and Luna chokes.

"What? Nina, are you okay? He doesn't... he doesn't want... this." She manages to stutter because suddenly her mind throws at her picture of her kissing Matteo and this isn't anything she would like to feel right now before math class. She needs to get out of this situation somehow. "Is your brain going crazy since Gastón started show around more?"

Nina just opens her mouth softly offended and blushes furiously before shaking her head and pulling Luna towards the class.


He isn't jealous at all, of course he isn't. Matteo Balsano never has been and never will be jealous.

Ambar told him this that day in the Roller making him choke on his smoothie. Of course, this guy that hugged Luna so tightly, making her giggle in her own sweet way and caused this smile on her face is just annoying him by walking around in his weird beanies and carrying around his cute guitar.

Who is this guy and what is he doing here? Matteo doesn't care at all, Luna is just a girl he bumped too many times (and yet not enough, never enough), making him feel this weird way, making him want her close. He needs to get a grip, gather his shit together and focus on his stuff.

Well, at least now he should focus on Gastón who keeps subtly bringing Nina out in the conversations and Matteo can figure that his friend needs some excuse to talk to the girl again. It's ridiculous but he would do everything for poor Gastón with thinking puppy face, so he guesses he will need to get over this thing he still didn't name and help his buddy. Even if he can't completely understand what is happening there, he will help, but not now, not yet.

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