Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 /or/ about starboys, uniform skirts and attractive people

She's moving to Argentina.

Luna has no idea why Matteo doesn't want to leave her thoughts. She tries to blame her mother and universe, but the truth is Luna just liked him for himself. It was the weirdest thing Luna has ever experienced, but something she found nice and every blink of Matteo's smile in her mind keeps making her warm inside.

She also feels a little bad about him. It's not his person or something he said, but she had made a promise which she will probably never be able to fulfill, because the same day they met, her parents had a decision to make and now they are moving to Buenos Aires. They got an offer of new work, better work and place in amazing, fancy school for Luna. They didn't really want to waste it, but only if you are okay with that, honey.

Of course she accepted; Luna wouldn't be herself if she stopped them when she knows this workplace will be surely more stable and it gives her big, big chance. But also her hopes died; Luna doesn't like breaking promises and now it's impossible for her to meet Matteo again.

All that evening while skating with Simón around Cancun Luna had been trying to find Matteo with her eyes to apologize for not being able to keep her word for even one day, though when she got home she was actually truly surprised with herself. It's not like the guy will remember that – he seemed curious, yes, but also he seemed to be the guy who can have every girl, so he has probably forgotten about her already. This idea stung a little yet blinded her bad feelings, worries and that odd impression telling her to go to Argentina without any doubts.


Luna still can't get him out of her head. At least now she can try to focus on new things and new surroundings. Her room lacks of colors a little, but it can be changed quickly, except that she likes it very much and she can already imagine after unpacking that this room is hers. The mansion itself it's really pretty and super fancy; Luna isn't sure about touching anything because something is telling her she would break it fast. New boss of Luna's parents – Sharon Benson seems to be a big mystery, in Cancun she had been nice, kept smiling and their conversation was easy and polite. Now she seems all distant and quiet, nothing like almost friendly woman in sunglasses.

There is also one thing. Ambar.

Ambar is Sharon's goddaughter and she seems a little extra. Since the first sight Luna has been sure it wouldn't be love from the first sight. Actually, she could notice really easily that Ambar didn't want her there and she would try to do some evil stuff to make sad and hopeless mess out of Luna's life. It still stings a little but despite that Luna is going to try being nice, maybe Ambar will chill soon and it's just first impression. With that thought Luna leaves her room on Monday morning to meet her mom in the kitchen and go to her new school with hopes she won't be a mess.


Matteo couldn't believe in his own stupidity.

Not only did he let her go but also actually believed in her silly promise. He can still see her green, green eyes and unsure smile, he can remember the way her brown hair danced on the wind and there is no way he could forget this need of being close her, the closest it's possible. Sadly, they probably won't meet again, most likely even, because she seemed to be person actually living in Cancun and Matteo was there just for a second or two for vacation. He regrets not pushing a little more, enough to meet her later or just get her number, really, anything to be able to contact with her, to see her or hear her nice, soft voice. That's unbelievably ridiculous he is pining over a girl he talked to maybe 10 minutes. That's not Matteo Balsano thing to do. He is free guy, he can have everything no matter how much time or effort will it take.

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