I can fly!

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Ally PoV

"WOOOHOOO I HATE POTIONS!" I screamed running through the halls. I kept running with no idea where I was going until I ran into someone. Literally.

"Why are you glad that you hate potions?" The new guy said.

"Well because every Gryffindor hates potions and I just passed the test." I explained.

"What test?" He asked clearly confused.

"The test to see if you're a true Gryffindor!" I further explained. "It's not a real thing!" I quickly explained when I realized he was even more confused.

"Oh." He said.

"Ya know cause every Gryffindor hates potions I wanted to keep the streak alive...and....ya know...yeah." It trailed off blushing at my stupidity.

"Oh I get it." He laughed.

"Oh thank goodness for a second I thought I was stupider than I thought I was." I said.

"No you were right.." I heard a voice behind me say.

"...really are stupid." I heard another voice finish.

"Did you hear something?" I asked ignoring Fred and George's comment.

"No I don't think I did." He said catching on.

"Hmm it must've been the wind." I said.

"Hey th-" but once again George didn't get to finish that thought because I cut him off.

"Alexandra Granger, but call me Ally, or else." I said sticking my hand out.

"Or else what?" He asked.

"Or else you will face the consequences." I answered.

"Oliver Wood." He said shaking my hand.

"Nice ta meet ya Oliver." I said.

"You too." He said and checked his watch. "Oh shoot I'm gonna be late to charms!" He said.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"10:00." He said.

"CRAP! I'm gonna be late for flying lessons!" I said and ran off pushing past Fred and George on my way.

"RUN LIKE THE WIND!" They yelled.

"I DONT WANNA RUN LIKE YOU!" I yelled back. Get it cause they're the wind...ok maybe I'm not as funny as I thought.

I finally made it outside and stood by the last broom and started listening to Madam Hooch.

"...just stick your hand out and say 'up!'" She finished. I did what she said not knowing what it would do and to my surprise my broom shoot into my hand.

"Too cool." I whispered to myself. The person to my right chuckled.

"Of course anything would amaze a mudblood like you!" He said. I turned to see a mean looking blonde kid. He looked quite ugly with his hair slicked back.

"Lay of the hair gel kid." I advised him.

"Wh-what? I just insulted you! You should be mad! Why aren't you mad?" He said astonished.

"Wait that was an insult?" I asked confuzzled. "Oh wait I get it you think I have dirty blood."

"Yeah and why aren't you upset?" He asked.

"Well because I don't get mad at simple minded little children like you." I said.

"Your the same age I am!" He said clearly outraged.

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