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"Oh Em Ge!" I screamed running out of the great hall with my freakishly long package. I ran up to my dorm and thought I was going to die.

"I got a present, I got a present, I got a present." I sang while I skipped around my room. "NOW EVERYONE OUT!" I screamed at my fellow dorm mates. They looked at me terrified for some reason and ran. I just shrugged, they did what I wanted didn't they?. I remembered what I was doing and started freaking out again.

I wonder what it is.

Maybe it's a pony.

Or a horse.


I hope it's a unicorn.

I really hope it's a unicorn.

I really really hope it a unicorn.

I really really rea-

Wait what?

Oh right present.

I jumped on my bed and unwrapped my present.

It wasn't a unicorn.

It was a... (Drumroll please)

NIMBUS TWO THOUSAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I ran down to the common room screaming and ran into my second to least favorite Weasley. Ronald. I don't like him because he thinks Hermione is a Know-It-All, which she is but she isn't rude about it and he has no business making fun of her for it.

"Why are you screaming?!" He asked crossly.

"Because I have more swag than you." I said and left him to wonder what swag is. I then returned to screaming and ran out of the common room. I ran through the hallways. Good thing it's a Saturday cause I would be a major disturbance. I kept running and screaming until I ran into another Weasley. Well more like Weasleys, like plural.

"Why are you screaming?" Fred asked.

"Beeecccaaauuussseee..." I started. They looked at me with the Go-On look.

"...I got a present, I got a present, I got a present." I sang skipping in circles around them.

"And it was a..." George said motioning for me to tell them. I stopped skipping and stood in front of them a look of seriousness on my face.

"and it was a NIMBUS TWO FREAKIN THOUSAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed in their ears.

"Geez why so loud little A?" Fred asked.

"I don't know maybe cause I got the best broomstick in like.... EVER!!!!" I screamed again. "Does that explain big F?" I asked.

"I don't know what do you think little G?" He asked George.

"I am the same age as you!" George said.

"No you are younger by four and a half minutes, therefore you are little G." Fred said in a matter-of-fact way.

"Haha take that little G!" I said.

Then George, and for some reason Fred, chased me around the school. I ran into a classroom and hid in a closet. They ran right past. Haha suckers! Then I ran outside and went to Hagrid's hut.

"HAGRID HAGRID LET ME IN QUICK THEY'RE GOING TO GET ME!!!!!" I shouted pounding my fist on the giant door. He opened it and I sprinted inside.

"Ally what are you doing here, who's going to get you?" He asked concerned.

"George... Fred.... Weasley..... Chased..... Around..... School.... Going to....get..... Me..." I said while trying to catch my breath.

"Oh well while your here I wanted to tell you and Harry good luck on your game tomorrow. Now they aren't around so I think you can go, it's getting pretty dark out." He said.

"Okay thanks Hagrid, I'll tell Harry." I said. I ran from the hut to the school and up to the common room. I walked in and plopped on the couch to catch my breath. After a few seconds someones crept up behind me and started tickling me.

"St....st-stop....stop it......please..." I gasped. Hermione and Harry and Ron came into the common room. "Harold....Hermione......h-help......help me........please." I said, purposely ignoring Ron because I don't like him and he has no swag.

"Whatever you did you probably deserve this." Hermione said walking up to our dorm.

"Sorry Al we gotta go." He said.

"Forget you......guys.......you........have.....n-no.........swag..." I said. Hermione just laughed and kept walking but Harry stopped.

"Hang on guys stop tickling her for a second." He told Fred and George. I jumped up and ran and hugged him.


"What the heck is swag?!" He asked.

"Ah well it's hard to explain but you have it Harry." I said.

"You know I only asked them to stop for a second." He said.

"Oh well in that case... YOU HAVE NO SWAG HAROLD POTTER!!" I yelled and ran to my dorm to escape the twins. Sadly they made it to the stairs before I made it to my room and I slid down the stair/slide.

"GOTCHA!" Fred cried in triumph. Then they began tickling me again.

"Why.......me......" I said and just let them tickle me knowing that they would stop because they weren't getting a reaction. Sure enough they did.

"Thank you kind sirs but now I must be getting to lunch." I said and I skipped out of the common room and to the great hall.


Okay so this was kind of a random chapter.

Anyway I know it's not part of the book but I would like to add a new character to this story. This new character will be in Ally's year and they will most likely become friends (hint hint). Here's the catch I want you to come up with this character. Here's what you have to do: send me a message saying what their full name is (first middle and last). What their gender is (boy or girl). What house they're in (I really don't care). Who they like. And some other facts I should know about. The next chapter will have all the details about the new character and who's character it is. I will not post again until I have a new character.

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I reeeaaalllyyy want feedback guys!


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