The end, but not the end

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"Hermione. Jean. Granger. Get. Your. Butt. Back. Here. Now." I said as I saw Harry Ron and Hermione trying to sneak out.

"What do you want?!" She hissed.

"To go with you!" I said happily.

"No! You can't." Ron said.

"Shut up Ronald nobody asked you." I snapped.

"I'm sorry Ally but you can't." Harry said.

"Fine. If that's how you want to handle this." I said then braced my self to scream at the top of my lungs.

Hermione realized what I was going to do and slapped a hand over my mouth.

"Fine." She hissed. "Let's go."

"Hermione what are you doing?!" Ron exclaimed.

"She was gong to scream if we- EEW!!!!" She exclaimed when I licked her hand.

"That was so gross!" She exclaimed wiping the saliva in my sleeve.

"Meh, whatever. Anyway what she was trying to say before I rudely interrupted her was that I was going to scream that you guys were sneaking out if you didn't let me come with you." I said proudly.

"Oh fine, let's go." Harry said.

"Onward!" I said and marched out of the portrait hole.

Little did I know what I was getting into.


Okay so I'm too lazy to explain what happened in detail so I'll summarize it for you. First we entered the room with the tree headed dog, or Fluffy as I later found out he was called. So there was this little harp thing that was just sitting there and I was all like ooh pretty instrument thing, so I waved my wand and it started playing. Next thing I know fluffy is asleep and my sister is jumping through a hole. So naturally I follow them and get stuck in some stupid plant. Thank goodness Hermione is good at herbology because if she wasn't we'd be screwed. So it turns out it was devils spare or something like that and we just had to relax to get through it. Of course Ron had to be stupid and panic so Hermione had to make fire to get him out. Then we proceeded into a room full of floating keys. Harry and I used the brooms to find the right keys and get to the next room. The next room so happened to hold a giant wizards chess board. It was awesome!!!!!! I love muggle chess and wizards chess is just the same but you don't have to manually move the pieces. So yeah Ron and I killed at that section except Ron had to sacrifice himself. So I went with Harry to the next room and Hermione stayed with Ron. It was lucky that I went with Harry too cause it had a potions logic question thingy and I so happen to be excellent in potions. So I solved the riddle and Harry went forward while I went back to help Mione. So we sent a letter to Dumbledore and got Ron to the hospital wing when Harry was brought by the bearded wizard into the hospital wing as well. So yeah, it was quite eventful.

Now we are sitting in the great Hall which is decorated for Slytherins house cup victory. When Dumbles starts giving out points willy nilly to Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, and I and then the decorations changed to Gryffindor and we had won the house cup, like what the heck?! But yeah everybody's congratulating us and stuff so that's cool.

I really am going to miss this place.


I hope you like this chapter! I'm sorry for not updating in forever but there's one now and that's all that matters right? Anyway I'm also sorry for the major time skip but I have a pretty good guess that you'll survive! :) :) :) :)

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